
The Funniest Reactions To The "Happy Hour" Debate

by Alex Gladu

The so-called "Happy Hour" debate among the seven lowest-polling Republican candidates brought a slew of cringes, laughs, and huh?s. Carly Fiorina finally introduced us to her backstory, Rick Perry talked about himself in the third person, and no one had anything nice to to say about Hillary Clinton. But even though the on-air forum has ended, the online debate has just revved up. On Twitter, the funniest reactions to the GOP forum might be better than anything that Donald Trump could say later on.

The debate featured seven of the 17 candidates who have flooded the field: Lindsey Graham, Rick Perry, Bobby Jindal, Carly Fiorina, Jim Gilmore, George Pataki, and Rick Santorum. Among other things, they were asked to describe Democratic frontrunner Clinton in two words. Few of them stuck to just two words, but all of them jumped at the opportunity to strike her down. There were also plenty of jabs aimed at Republican frontrunner Trump, who will appear in tonight's prime-time debate. The candidates also laid out their priorities (which most of them share): Jindal focused on immigration, while Graham focused on national security.

Judging by the Twitter reaction, it's hard to tell who "won" the debate (though Twitter has leaned toward Fiorina). In an election like this one, it might just be enough to have your name remembered or tweeted at all. Here's hoping that the Happy Hour candidates can hang out together and play their own debate drinking game during the prime-time special.