
This Will Make You Want to Clean Out Your Closet

I'm a big fan of organization. I like lists and order and I never, ever leave my bed unmade in the morning. However, I also like to buy things. Things like shoes and hats and dresses that I only wear once. Shiny gold headphones and those big, clunky, old fashioned things called hardcover books. I like things, it's true, but I also like those things to be neat, tidy, and in their particular place, so I make a point to do a closet clean-out session every few weeks or so. I'll admit it, though, sometimes it's just too hard to part with things — even if I have never worn them. What to keep and what to toss is a difficult choice, but organization specialist Marie Kondo has come up with the KonMari method of cleaning to make everything a little bit easier. What is the KonMari method, you ask? Well, first of all: It's awesome.

And second of all, when you learn about it's number one rule, it kind of just makes you smile. Yes, smiling and cleaning out your closet. Together. It can happen. The magic rule? Keep the things that "spark joy" and get rid of all the other junk. Hilary George-Parkin at Lucky had read Kondo's book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up (best title ever, no?), and decided to try the method on her own crowded closet. George-Parkin wrote an article on her experience identifying those joy-sparking items in her closet and the results made me want to try the whole KonMari thing myself. I like joy! I dislike clutter! I can do this! And then I saw the "during" photos from George-Parkin's cleaning spree.

Admittedly, seeing George-Parkin's before photo of her KonMari closet clean-out was borderline terrifying, but the end results? Amazing.