
Bryan Is The Runaway 'Bachelorette' Frontrunner

Craig Sjodin/ABC

Two weeks is too soon for me to catch feelings, personally, but on The Bachelorette, two weeks is basically two years. Bryan and Rachel went on their one-on-one date on The Bachelorette, and it was a romantic jaunt through Oslo, Norway. So romantic, in fact, that Bryan told Rachel he was falling in love on The Bachelorette. Slow your roll, boyfriend.

I kid, I kid. Rachel and Bryan have amazing chemistry — Rachel even admitted that they haven’t done a lot of talking because they’ve been doing too much smooching to really catch up. Girl, I get that, especially with a man who looks like Bryan. This date had them rappelling down an Olympic ski lift (Rachel was wearing high-heeled boots and it gave me serious anxiety because those are not smart shoes, girl), making out in mid-air, and then actually having a conversation. Progress! In all seriousness, Rachel says that Bryan makes her nervous because he’s “too charming.” He seems to have all of the right answers, and she’s seen guys like that before — snakes, basically, who will say anything to a woman. Girl, I get that, too. But Bryan’s feelings for her seem like the real deal, and he said as much over food that they weren’t allowed to eat. Rachel was touched, and they smooched some more. Success!

Bryan was the first one to get a kiss from Rachel, and now, he’s the first one to put himself out there. From where I sit, Bryan has a good shot of taking this thing home. He and Rachel have such an obvious connection that I don’t see her having with the other guys yet. My guess is that her relationship with Bryan will be so much more developed than the other guys because he had a head start. That’s a big benefit when you’re competing against 30 other men for a woman’s heart. And his admission of falling in love definitely sets him even further apart.