
Susan Sarandon's Not-So-Secret High Life

by Alanna Bennett

Bless Susan Sarandon, for she has a special kind of magic about her. Or maybe she's just high. Very possibly the latter. Because now we've got a new favorite piece of Hollywood trivia, and it is that Susan Sarandon's been high at almost every awards show. Except the Oscars, because she's too classy for that.

Sarandon revealed this little piece of info during her recent appearance Watch What Happens Live this Wednesday. The show's host, Andy Cohen, asked Sarandon to name one major Hollywood event that she attended while high, to which she responded with "only one?!" and then laughed uproariously in the exact way my 60-something year-old relatives do when they find themselves hilarious.

Then she actually gave an answer: "I would say almost all except the Oscars." Which, considering the longevity and critical success of her career, is a whooole lotta awards shows.

This is hardly the first we're hearing of Sarandon's relationship to pot: She's publicly argued multiple times for the legalization of marijuana, pointing out the racist institutions that made it illegal int he first place. So this isn't exactly new.

Still, it's kind of fun to think back on Sarandon's 40+ years in Hollywood and think of all the times she's given an acceptance speech at least partially baked.

Image: Columbia Pictures