
Kate Winslet Continues Spreading Body Positivity

While it's easy to assume the lives of celebrities are glamorous, that's not always the case. Kate Winslet opened up about body image struggles in an interview with CBS Sunday Morning that is scheduled to air this weekend. Sure, the Titanic star is elegant and poised, but growing up, she was bullied by her peers and it taught her some valuable lessons about self esteem. Winslet said, "I was teased for how I looked. In part, yeah, because I was quite stocky as a child. And was very much teased for that." After touching on her past, the actor discussed how she wants to set a better example for future generations of young girls. The 40-year-old explained,

You know, we walk down red carpets. You know, it's part of the job. But I think I feel very strongly that it's important to also say to young girls that we don't look like that all the time.

This is such an important message! Even though it's fun to get dressed up and take pride in your appearance, it's worth keeping in mind that celebrities have entire glam squads behind them. It's not like they wake up and look like they do on the red carpet — with flawless hair, makeup, and ball gowns. I appreciate Winslet keeping it real and reminding people that sometimes Hollywood can be an illusion that sets unrealistic beauty standards. In doing so, she also highlights the importance of embracing your natural beauty.

Mike Windle/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Admittedly, Winslet's comments in the past about the wage gap made me a bit disappointed in the star, because it felt like she wasn't supporting her fellow females. But these latest quotes certainly redeem her, in my opinion. Sure, she may not be an outspoken advocate for fighting for equal pay, but at least she's fighting to raise young girls' self esteem, which is an equally important effort.

In fact, this isn't the first time Winslet spoke out about the subject. Back in July, she appeared on Running Wild With Bear Grylls, where she discussed promoting positive body image with her teenage daughter. She said,

I stand in front of the mirror and say to Mia, "We are so lucky that we've got a shape. We’re so lucky we’re curvy. We’re so lucky that we’ve got good bums." And she’ll say, "Mommy, I know, thank God."

It's awesome that Winslet spreads the positive messages she didn't get to hear growing up. The world would be a much better place if more people embraced this kind of mindset.