
Don't Expect Much Sex in 'Fifty Shades' Movie

If you were looking forward to seeing the upcoming Fifty Shades of Grey adaptation just so you could see all the raunchy sex scenes present in E.L. James' "novel," I have some pretty bad news for you: In an interest of not literally just producing pornography, film director Sam Taylor-Johnson has apparently dialed back some Fifty Shades of Grey 's raunchiness, especially the sex scenes. The following comes from The Dissolve:

Ah, but just because Johnson and Dornan are sexily flogging each other within an inch of their lives doesn’t mean we will get to see it. According to another unnamed E! source, the Fifty Shades Of Grey movie is “less racy than the book” and director Sam Taylor-Johnson has “dialed those scenes back.”

I mean, it makes sense. Even though it's a movie about (supposedly) hardcore sex, a film version would find it difficult to venture into the same territory without going the way of Lars von Trier's Nymphomaniac and being rated NC-17. Not that Fifty Shades of Grey is anywhere near the same level of quality that Nymphomaniac is, but that's beside the point. In order to keep Fifty Shades commercially successful, they can't limit the amount of people who can go see it in theaters with a higher rating.

In other news, at least co-stars Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson seem to be getting along swimmingly. According to E!, Dornan and Johnson are close, and "Jamie Dornan is really protective over Dakota...she is very friendly and talks to everyone [crew, security, etc.] Jamie stays to himself and does not talk much. Jamie thinks Dakota gets really distracted, because she is so nice to people and so he will walk over to who she is talking to and try and end the conversation. He is nice about it, but he does ask them to leave her alone."

I suppose there's some sort of bonding process that happens when two actors act out heavy BDSM together in front of a camera crew?

Image: EW