
She's In Your New Favorite Super Bowl Commercial

by Ivy Jacobson

Anna Kendrick's monologue in her Super Bowl commercial is brilliant and hilarious, and makes me feel like I'm watching a trailer for one of her movies that I can't wait to see. Really. So this may have to be watched on repeat until 2015 when Pitch Perfect 2 is released. In the Newcastle Ale Super Bowl commercial, Anna Kendrick stars as herself in a behind-the-scenes commentary on a commercial that was never shot, reflecting on her thoughts as she gets her hair done.

The commercial opens with a message on the screen that says:

"Behind the scenes of the mega huge football game that Newcastle Brown Ale almost made... which almost starred Anna Kendrick."

Kendrick starts off pretty bummed:

'I was really excited to make a Super Bowl commercial with Newcastle but it turns out they don't even have the money or the permission to make a Super Bowl commercial,' she said, with the 'Bowl' bleeped out. 'They can't even say the word Super Bowl.' she then repeats the word, each time with the bowl buzzed out.

But then clarifies that she's hot, but in a "hottest girl in your improv class hot," which is my new favorite line to use.

"I was surprised that I even got offered the part. Because I don't think of myself as beer commercial babe, you know? I mean, I'm hot, but like, approachable hot, like the hottest girl in your improv class hot. Like hot to the kind of guys that feel bad for calling a girl hot. Like beer commercial hot, am I beer commercial hot? But I love a challenge."

But how's a girl gonna eat if her nude beer commercial gets canceled?

"Because I've done indies and blockbuster, you know, kind of well-rounded. I mean, basically what I haven't done is a nude scene and be paid a s**t load of money to be in a commercial for a beer I don't even drink. So this gave me the opportunity to do both these things.

We were like days away from the shooting and they called me to say they didn't have any money. It's disappointing, you know, I was really looking forward to the paycheck. So I'm back to doing indie cred stuff, which is great, but you can't stuff indie cred down the male stripper's g-string.

I'll just give you an endorsement now. 'Hi, Newcastle Brown Ale, the only beer that ever promised me a paying role in a Super Bowl commercial and then backed out at the last f****ing second like a bunch of d**ks. Suck it."


You can watch Kendrick's amazing commercial below: