
Want To Be An Extra In The 'Dirty Dancing' Remake?

by Jordana Lipsitz

Good news, fans of dancing and '80s nostalgia: Though you can't be cast as Baby or Johnny or Penny in the upcoming ABC TV movie version of Dirty Dancing — simply because those roles have already been filled — you can be cast as a dancing extra. If you weren't already excited about the prospect of this reboot, the possibility that you might have the opportunity to actually live out one of the greatest movies of all time as an extra should do the trick — I mean, it's pretty cool. But, how do you become an extra in the Dirty Dancing remake?

It's going to be tough to keep up with the competition, of course — there are a lot of fans out there, and you'd better believe many are really dope dancers. According to the Facebook page of Tona B. Dahlquist Casting — the company handling the casting for Dirty Dancing — they are "Seeking Males and Females of all ethnic backgrounds 18 years of age and up for filming." They are also calling for:

Adults of all ages MALES & Females. HOWEVER -especially in need those of College Age (20’s -30’s) with much experience and available multiple days thru out filming. These folks will also be portraying staff at lodge. Seeking ALL ethnic backgrounds for Dance. Should be experienced in dance moves /styles as seen in original movie.

So, that last requirement shrinks the pool a tad — but still, there's sure to be a lot of competition. So, how to set yourself apart? Simple: The following are 11 dance moves that will put you at the top of the list if mastered. All you have to do is practice the moves until you drop, send in your application, and mosey your way on over to Asheville, North Carolina, where the film is being shot. Good luck!

1. The Lift

The most iconic move in the original film is no joke. For the ladies, work on that bravery and balance. For the gents, hand strength and not locking your arms is key. No spaghetti arms, guys.

2. Daggering/Cabin Stabbing

This is when you jam your crotch in the direction of the other person. It's like dry humping, but to the beat.

3. Dip

OMG. Swoon.

4. Finger Crook

It's not an official dance move, but it's sure to win the hearts of the casting directors, and apparently also Baby.

5. Cross-Body Lead

This salsa move requires some serious footwork. I suggest using some tutorial videos.

6. Spinout

This one's not that tough — even a beginner can totally master it. I suggest making sure you or your partner has a fun flowy dress like the one Baby's rocking.

7. A Little Kick

A simple little kick adds a lot of grace.

But really, it's all about what you are feeling, so you just do you. And do it well. Best wishes ya'll, can't wait to see you kids on the silver screen (or, er, television screen).

Images: Giphy (5); Lionsgate (2)