
Is 'Southern Charm' Star Whitney Engaged?

by Kristie Rohwedder

On this week’s installment of Southern Charm, former Real Worlder Cameran decided it was high time she threw a proper, Patricia Altschul-approved dinner party. So, she unwrapped the nonstick roaster she received as a wedding gift, boiled a few bags of green beans, carved up some meat, and welcomed a majority of her fellow Charmers over to her abode for a home cooked meal. The dinner party conversation started the way most classic dinner parties do (i.e., everyone complimented the spread that Cameran prepared), but then it eventually veered on over to a more personal topic: When will Craig and new significant other Naomie tie the knot? After discussing ring stone types for a hot second, the group shifted the focus on over to Patricia’s son: When will Whitney and longtime girlfriend Larissa get married?

The entire dinner table — especially Patricia — couldn’t wait to hear the answer. Whitney let the dinner party guests know that he and his ladyfriend planned on getting engaged sometime that year, but didn’t provide any more details. And that was that.

Curious to find out if that proposal happened yet? You and me both, my fellow Bravoaholic. You and me both. Unfortunately, my go-to source (i.e., the Bravo stars' social media accounts) didn’t provide the clearcut answer I was looking for; Neither Whitney nor Larissa post much about their relationship status.

However, do you know who does post about Larissa and Whitney? Their moms. Pat tweeted this back in November:

And Larissa's mother, Elke Marolt, shared this in February:

But were they engaged Valentines? I suppose we will just have to wait to find out, my fellow Bravoaholic. We will just have to wait to find out.