
You Should Watch 'I F*cking Love Science'

by Celeste Mora

SXSW has featured some crazy announcements and videos, including a Google Hangout with Edward Snowden, an adorable Veronica Mars selfie, and, probably some sort of music. Of all the tech and entertainment announcements of this year's festival, there is one sleeper hit. Craig Ferguson announced via pre-recorded video that he will be producing an I Fucking Love Science TV show. Cue goggle-shifting and latex-gloved applause.

If you don't yet know the blog, Facebook, or Twitter versions of "I Fucking Love Science," they're all great. They hit a note somewhere between XKCD and Nature, without ever taking science too seriously. The creator, Elise Andrew, is not only a die-hard science nerd, but also a badass crusader for feminism and science literacy. If you haven't already heard her speak about the moment she came out as a woman and the creator of the blog, you should.

IFLS has already taken YouTube by storm, posting awesome summaries of science news. Elise also occasionally creates a "I F**cking Love/Hate HATE MAIL" video, where she sarcastically reads all of the science-hating comments in her no-nonsense British accent. And with these few videos, Elise has shown the vaccine truthers and anti-science misogynists that she can best them with apathy and dry humor.

Now that she's moving the show to the Science Network, with Craig Ferguson at the helm, I hope that the sarcasm continues, and the science gets even crazier. As a part of the generation that misses Bill Nye, I'm excited for a new, female-identifying voice of exciting science. Elise seems up to the challenge of keeping scientific discovery funny and intriguing, and I can't wait to see if her fervor for natural phenomena rubs off on all of us lazy millennials.

Image: Ifuckinglovescience/Twitter