
Even if You Hate Juan Pablo You'll Love His Family

Tonight's Bachelor finale is giving us a closer look at Juan Pablo's family and after about five minutes of screen time everyone already likes them way better than they like the Bachelor himself. First up was Clare who bonded with JP's mom over their mutual concern for JP's messed-up behavior."He sometimes is very rude," Mama Galavis says confirming our own thoughts and instantly making us love her. JP's dad backed this opinion up saying, "He's not an easy guy ... What he wants is always very specific. He thinks he knows the truth of everything." OMG though, can I marry Juan Pablo's family? Can ABC give them a show where they just trash Juan Pablo? I'd watch that.

JP's brother also spoke to Nikki and essentially prepared her for war asking her if she thought she could put up with Juan Pablo because he can be strong headed. "How much fighting can you take?" he asks Nikki who is convinced she can handle anything, but also (understandably) looks a little taken aback. It's refreshing to see a family be so honest instead of acting like JP is the greatest ever and wouldn't the women be so lucky to end up with him?

In addition to cautioning the women, JP's dad won us over with a sweet moment with Clare when he told her he loved her and that no matter which way things turned out she'd be in his thoughts. Between the adorable-ness and the JP-bashing, Bachelor Nation was on board with Juan Pablo's family, if not the man himself.

Image: Instagram/juanpagalavis