
'JTV's Narrator Reveals How The Show Could End

One of the many things that makes a show like Jane the Virgin so special and unique is the all-seeing, all-knowing voice viewers hear intermittently throughout any given episode. I'm, of course, referring to the Jane the Virgin narrator Anthony Mendez. This unseen but very present character is just as invested in these compelling storylines as viewers are, and yet, what do we really know about him? Is he someone that will ever be introduced on the show itself down the line? According to Mendez himself, that's a question that should be answered when Jane the Virgin comes to an end.

When asked if fans will ever get to meet the narrator on-screen, Mendez admits he's not exactly thrilled with the idea, claiming that "there’s something more intriguing about narrators when you don’t know who they are." So keeping his character out of sight would help to retain the magic of the role throughout the series, which makes sense. However, he has it on good authority that the narrator will actually be revealed at some point on the show since that's always been part of the showrunner's game plan. However, he hopes that it won't happen any time in the near future, considering that would mean the series itself would be coming to a close.

"Jennie [Snyder Urman] said that she intends to reveal the narrator, who he is or who he may not be, as the show comes to an end," Mendez shares. "So I hope that’s not anytime soon." A sentiment I think we can all firmly agree with. Jane the Virgin has become such a popular CW series since it first made its grand debut, so I can't foresee us saying goodbye to these beloved characters in the immediate future. In fact, if its success keeps up, this series could go on to have seasons reach into the double digits. But when the time does come for the show to bid farewell, it's interesting to know that the creators and writers will have at least one more big reveal up its sleeve by revealing its man behind the curtain.

Image: Giphy