
Google Dreamed Up A Game-Changer For The Blind

by Caitlin Mahon

So, Google just submitted its patent application for a contact lens with a teeny, tiny camera embedded in it, and sensors that would be controlled by blinking. If that becomes a reality — and many patent applications don't — there could be people taking your picture anywhere, at any time, without you knowing it. That's definitely creepy, but imagine the possibilities: A hands-free camera and, more importantly, a way for the blind to conquer the everyday obstacles.

This latest creation would be able to detect light, faces, and movement without interfering with the wearer's vision. For a blind person, it could be a game changer. Say, for instance, that a blind person is approaching a busy street. The contact lenses would detect that and send a warning to the individual's smart phone. Then, the individual would receive a verbal warning and, in a way, give the blind individual vision again. Sounds like something almost out of a futuristic movie.

While it's still just a pending application, this idea brings together Google Glass, which was on sale Tuesday for just one day, and Google smart contact lenses, which the company is creating to monitor glucose levels in tears of people with diabetes.

The smart contact lenses were created in Google X Labs, and could potentially aid millions of people who suffer from diabetes. Right now, Google doesn't have plans to release plans for the smart lenses, but give them time.

Well, I'm sure it won't be long before Google researchers actually try out the prototype contacts themselves, and we see a one-day-only sale for Google contacts, too.

Image: Fotolia