
The 9 Stages of Watching A 'Vampire Diaries' Death

by Christine DiStasio

Are you ready to have your heart ripped out? Probably not — but The Vampire Diaries Season 5 finale is going to do it anyway — if you still even have a heart after watching Stefan Salvatore die during last Thursday's episode, that is. So how will you cope this Thursday night, when Season 5 ends with what's promised to be an epic cliffhanger and three character deaths? Luckily, TVD's characters have dealt with death time and time again so let them help you through your inevitable ugly-cry.

Last Thursday, when we saw Stefan get his heart ripped out, we were wondering how we could ever go on. Fans threatened on Twitter to quit the show if he didn't return, like always. And we obsessively scoured the Internet for news that we'd see Stefan again in Season 6. (We will, people — don't worry.) But, just because we have nothing to worry about in terms of losing the criminally handsome face of Paul Wesley permanently, we've got bigger problems. Like the likelyhood that Damon Salvatore is going to die during the Season 5 finale — I know, he's on contract for at least another season, but it'll still hurt to watch him die.

So let's prepare for what's sure to be heartbreaking and anxiety-ridden hour of TVD with Elena, Caroline, Stefan, and the rest of our favorite perennially sad characters.

Pre-Big Death

Ugh, the agony of the wait.

Stage 1: Paranoia

We know death is coming... but when? WHEN?? Is it now? or now? OR NOW?

Stage 2: Violent Paranoid Outbursts

I'm sorry, I just can't control my paranoia and it's making me do crazy things.

Stage 3: A Drink

Just one — I need to relax otherwise I'm going to have an anxiety attack. Someone bring me my wine.

Post-Big Death

So now what?

Stage 4: Overwhelming Grief


Stage 5: Violent Emotional Outbursts

I'm just so angry right now.

Stage 6: Distress

I just can't. It's either this show goes or I go.

Stage 7: Get Proactive


Stage 8: Realizing That Your Emotions Are Futile

Seriously, I don't want to cry anymore — WHY CAN'T I STOP?

Stage 9: Emotional Death

I'm done now.

Images: The CW, Rebloggy, Giphy, Rebloggy, Rebloggy, fygifs/Tumblr, Favim, Stuffpoint, Giphy