
You've Got To Hear Him Sing "XO"

by Mallory Schlossberg

Oh, John Mayer. You heartbreaker, you. People — you must listen to John Mayer's cover of Beyoncé's "XO." It's really good. And even though John Mayer may be that celebrity player that you love to hate, this is the sort of stuff that reminds you exactly why you love him in the first place. The crooner wins you over when it's just him and his guitar. (Melts.)

Mayer has actually performed this song live before, but this is the first time he's released a totally clean, not-live version of this specific track, and it's readily available for you to listen to over and over again. In his version, he's swapped all of the gender pronouns, so you know he's singing about a woman, but not like you were questioning his sexuality, were you? Every tired gaze he gives is always filled with, "Hello. Did you know I love women? I love women."

But we don't need to focus on his dating life right now. Let's just focus on this song, okay? Because it's really, really worth a listen.

Take a listen to it below and try — I dare you — not to defrost just a smidge.