
And The Two Happiest Ages Are...

by Carrie Murphy

You probably already know that happiness comes in cycles (that year after graduating college was a real low point, huh?), but did you know that your happiness cycles can actually be linked to your age?

Researchers from the Center for Economic Performance at the London School of Economics found that happiness declines after our early twenties to our mid-fifties, then cycles back up through our later sixties, falling again when we're around 75. Lest you think this some kind of scientific conspiracy theory to make middle-aged people feel bad about themselves, you should know that the study looked at a gobstopping 23,161 people, ranging in age from 17 to 85.

The study also found that the ages at which people are generally most satisfied with their lives are age 23 and age 69. I guess that makes sense, if you think about the trajectory of a "normal" life: Having fun in your 20s, working and having babies in your 30s and 40s, then your kids grow up and you get to have fun again in your 50s and 60s. And hey, I've got a ways to go until I'm 69, but I will say that my life was pretty darn good when I was 23.