
'TFIOS' Stars Give Us a Lesson in Hugging

by Christine DiStasio

If you're thinking, "I could really use a hug right now," it's okay, same here. But let me tell you, all hugs aren't created equal, and The Fault in Our Stars' Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort don't want you to be a bad hugger. Because, apparently, they are experts on the subject — even more so than self-appointed "hugger" The Bachelorette 's Andi Dorfman. While doing press for TFiOS, Woodley and Elgort gave a "Hugs 101" lesson on MTV After Hours with Josh Horowitz and now we all know that you should never, EVER use your legs.

We already knew that Woodley is a big fan of the hug — back in March, the actress told Jimmy Fallon that she prefers hugging to handshakes because, "I'm real, you're real, let's hug it out." After 22 years of that, she's pretty great at it. So, when Horowitz asked the TFiOS costars to demonstrate how to give the perfect hug, the pair politely agreed to show us all how it's really done. (Take notes, Andi. If you're a part of the Huggers Club, you need to be privy to this knowledge.)

Woodley clued us into her preferred arm position (always on top) and that when you hug her, you get a little something extra. The costars also explained with whom the Heart-to-Heart hug is appropriate and how to execute it properly .... before Elgort divulged the ultimate rookie mistake in hugging. Get ready to be enlightened. (Seriously, Andi — get out your pen and paper.)

Do hugs come with my TFiOS movie ticket? I hope so.