
Partisan Showdown Over Budget Conference Continues

by Lane Florsheim

Senate Democrats have now requested going to conference 17 times in order to deal with the pressing issue of the federal budget – and each time, a Republican senator has objected.

“The economy is at risk. It’s time to set aside partisan differences,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) said Monday on the Senate floor.

Reid said that Democrats and Republicans need to work together on a compromise that would replace "hard-hearted" sequester cuts, and that a budget committee conference is the best way to do so.

If a plan isn't worked out to fund the government for the 2014 fiscal year (which starts in October), the ever-efficient Senate will have to agree on a short-term government spending bill.

Republican Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Mike Lee (R-UT) have said Republican senators should oppose any short-term bill that includes funding for Obamacare. Doing so would risk a government shutdown. More congressional efficiency!

"Any Republican who thinks a government shutdown is a good idea, I suggest they give a call to Newt Gingrich," fired Reid. "He’ll return your phone calls. It was disastrous for him then, and it will be again now."