
She Quit Her Job, Which Means ...

by Mallory Schlossberg

A wise woman probably once said, "Never leave your job for a man." But did a wise woman ever say, "Never leave your job for multiple men?" If only! TMZ reports that our current Bachelorette Andi Dorfman left her job at the district attorney's office in Fulton County, Georgia. While plenty of us are balking at this — how could Andi leave the job she loves! — a handful are likely shrugging their shoulders, because Andi kind of alluded to this from the beginning.

Remember when she first introduced herself on the season premiere? She was all, I love my job but my 26-year-old ovaries are ready to dry up, so I am here to find a man! Let's get our wedded bliss on, boys.

Okay, I am dramatically paraphrasing, but she did seem to imply that her kickass job could go out the window if the perfect man were to appear. She said back then:

I love my job, my family, my friends but I get a second chance at this insanely amazing opportunity, and this is my shot at love. My shot at enjoying my life with somebody. To me the opportunity to meet someone the hopefully and potentially is the love of my life. I mean, that’s the easy decision - that doesn’t mean it’s not scary, but at the end of the day finding true love blows all of that out of the water.

If only someone had shown her Tinder before she appeared on The Bachelor .

Anyhow, Andi originally planned on taking an extended leave of absence to film The Bachelorette, probably assuming she wouldn't meet her perfect match on the show. Judging by her earlier words, true love would "blow all of that out of the water," meaning her job, her leave of absence, her obligations, whatever, you name it! Out of the water! So I guess this means we can assume that she found The One this season.

In other words, thanks for the major spoiler, Andi.