
@NYTMinusContext Is Your New Favorite Twitter

by Elizabeth Ballou

All right, dear readers, I'm here with the latest bizarrely humorous Twitter out there that you might want to consider following. After the crazy success of accounts like horse_ebooks and The F***ing Epic Twitter Quest of Rahm Emanuel, the popularity of tweets that sound "like Zen koans which have been dropped on a computer keyboard from a great height" (says Verge) has ballooned. Following in those footsteps is @NYTMinusContext, a Twitter that does exactly what the name suggests, with weird, funny results.

The Twitter account, which has over 2,500 tweets, takes all its witticisms verbatim from the New York Times but has no affiliation with it (duh). Its tweets are typically very short and don't constitute an entire sentence. Probably because it allows a weird look into the world of elite journalism, it's followed by NYT writers themselves, like Ariel Kaminer, Sarah Lyall, and David Joachim.

Here are some of our favorite tweets:

What is so freethinking and sexually irresistible? Tony Stark? I'm intrigued.

This makes you think of all the other things that are gluten-free. Seawater. Cyanide. Mercury. Cocaine.

Pennsatucky? Is that you?

Did you hear old coots are fabulous?

But now I can't stop thinking about it. It's almost lunchtime. Mmmm. Feta.

If you're driven insane by the ambiguity, there's a companion Twitter called @NYTPlusContext, which provides links to all the quoted articles. Mystery solved, fun crushed.

Images: samchills, Flickr; NYT Minus Context, Twitter