
In Other News: August 27, 2013

by Julia Black

'In Other News' is Bustle's daily roundup of the stories, videos, and more media you might have missed.

Regarding that war we seem to have scheduled for sometime Thursday, this is a great online resource for on-the-ground updates from Syria.

After a few minor misfires, George W. Bush finally seems to have found his calling. That's right, his latest series of pet portraiture out. We're just glad he's finally giving cats the artistic attention they deserve.

Well, this is terrifying. For the first time in history, a researcher has used his own brain to control a physical movement in another person...

According to this study, the U.S. wastes enough energy every year to keep the UK powered for seven years.

A "malicious external attack" has shut down the New York Times website... again. And live from the Times' server:

Silly us, we thought the most significant holiday occurring yesterday was National Women's Equality Day. But fear not, one trustworthy news source remembered the truly important event that the rest of us missed: National Dog Day.

In other offensive Fox News news, the channel actually aired the song "(Dude) Looks Like A Lady" over coverage of Chelsea Manning's transition.

The "birther" movement may be a thing of the past, but apparently the "Impeach Obama" camp is alive and well. As in, a few nutjobs stand on highway overpasses with handmade posters to whine about everything from bribery to Benghazi. A for effort, guys!

I'm going to do us all a favor and get all Miley-related news over with in one sentence: Her "twerktastic" shenanigans at Sunday's VMAs scandalized everyone from celebrities to teddybear non-profits, leading many to wonder what it would take to get America to care about news that's actually important.