
Who Will Hugh Laurie Play on 'Veep'?

by Maitri Suhas

Hugh Laurie news excites me, and Veep news excites me, so this just sends me over the moon: the beloved British comedian (and former ornery diagnostician Dr. House) is set to guest star on the upcoming fourth season of HBO'S Veep. If you're not watching Veep, by the way, you're seriously disturbed; Julia Louis-Dreyfus in the titular role as Vice President Selina Meyer is so hilarious that she's won three Emmys for Best Actress in a Comedy for her role. And as a bonus, each of her acceptance speeches, have, in kind, been hilarious as well. Veep has had a handful of great guest stars in its three short seasons, and Laurie is the perfect addition to this show which has more expletives in the space of 20 minutes than I ever thought possible. And if you ever need a lesson on how to craft a dick-based insult, study Veep carefully. But who is Laurie gonna play?

If you're a fool, you may only know Hugh Laurie from the longtime FOX drama, House, MD, which of course is quality. Hugh Laurie playing a modern day medical Sherlock Holmes is something you just can't mess up. But you might also know that Laurie has a long, historied career as a beloved British comedian and BFF of Stephen Fry; the two made their names with shows like A Bit of Fry and Laurie and Blackadder (at least one of which is on Netflix). Point being: whatever role he plays on Veep, no doubt it will be outstanding; let's just hope it's a multi-story arc. So who will he show up to DC as?


House, MD was one of the only times that Laurie busted out his (impeccable) American accent. I'd be positively delighted to see him play a British dignitary, perhaps the British Prime Minister, whom the wholly inappropriate Selina Meyer has to entertain (or worse, suck up to. He could play a royal).


The interesting and sometimes frustrating thing about Veep is that they never reveal what political party Selina Meyer is from, proving that for all intents and politics, White House politics are the same on both sides of the aisle. Symbolism!! At the end of season three (SPOILER ALERT), the President stepped down to take care of his wife's ailing mental health, making Meyer the acting POTUS. Kickass, but she still has to campaign for the office of the President—Laurie would make a great foe in either Meyer's own party or on the opposite side. He sure knows how to be a prick, with style.


Selina Meyer is divorced but that doesn't mean she doesn't get hers. She's had a handful of boytoys in the past couple seasons, including the amazing Christopher Meloni as her meathead "physical therapist." Outstanding. I would like to see Julia Louis Dreyfus mack on Hugh Laurie, who is approximately two feet taller than her.


This one is but a pipe dream, but I would love to see this crossover. House and Meyer would tear each other apart.


In all three seasons of Veep, we've never ONCE seen the President. "Sue, did the President call?" He never does. Buuuut now that he's no longer the POTUS, maybe we'll finally, finally see Selina and her former superior interacting—and who better to play the former leader of the free world than a Brit?

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