
'Big Brother': And Then There Were Three

by Molly Fitzpatrick

By winning Head of Household, Andy has guaranteed himself a spot in the top three. Too bad we can't say the same for Spencer, GinaMarie, and McCrae (whatever, McCrae, I'm over you). With the nominees and the HoH excluded from the proceedings, there will only be one vote to evict tonight. The Power of Veto never mattered more than it does right now—as McCrae's the only non-Exterminator left in the house, he's pretty much dead in the water unless he wins it. But who knows? Maybe the producers will decide it's the perfect time for a Name Things You Love About Amanda contest.

We take an excursion to the all-female jury house, which has the feel of a weird, wonderful art commune. Helen, my number one favorite forever, is having a great time painting and exercising. Everyone is apologizing and trying new hair accessories and cooking brunch together. It's all very Eat, Pray, Love, or at least very daytime talk show.

Between her seemingly sincere apology to Helen and Candice ("I said some very insensitive and ignorant things") and the bizarre state of her eyebrows, I'm half-convinced that Aaryn's been replaced by a pod person. Also surreal: watching people react with genuine delight at the arrival of their enemies ("Yay, they've been evicted!") and sadness at the arrival of their friends ("Boo, they've been evicted!"). But it doesn't take long before everyone—that is, Amanda—starts bitching. She doesn't like to hear everyone accuse McCrae of riding her coattails, despite the fact that that is literally a true statement.

For the season's final POV competition, the houseguests must complete a spiderweb-shaped puzzle by correctly recalling facts about their fellow contestants. Andy wins, allowing the Exterminators' era of glorious prosperity continue unimpeded.

Or will it? Spencer's getting tricky. He points out that GinaMarie could have a ton of votes coming to her from the jury—for putting up McCranda and for being the only girl. Would McCrae be easier competition? But Andy stays true. He elects not to use the veto, and GinaMarie predictably evicts McCrae.

His exit interview is pretty revealing. "At times you seem deeply in love with Amanda. At times you seem deeply afraid of Amanda," prods Chenbot, nailing it as usual. "I wish I kinda distanced myself from Amanda more," McCrae says, then quickly equivocates: "I don't know. I really don't know." A few minutes earlier, he'd made a passing reference to the "stigma of Amanda" in conversation with Andy. Could the honeymoon be over? If so, I fear for his life. Can we get a Secret Service detail assigned to the jury house?

Only two episodes of Big Brother 15 remain. When GinaMarie, Andy, and Spencer turn against each other, who will exterminate the Exterminators?

Image via CBS