
There's Not Much 'AHS' Left...

They say parting is such sweet sorrow, but if you ask me there’s really nothing sweet about it. I hate saying goodbye to the things I love, especially when those things include great TV shows like FX’s American Horror Story . Yes, like it or not, Ryan Murphy’s latest horror installment is drawing ever closer to its conclusion. So much so that there are only three more episodes of AHS: Freak Show left when the show returns on Jan. 7, 2015. Then as soon as you can say 3… 2… 1… we’re done until next October. Depressing, right? Well then it’s probably a bad time to remind everyone that this could also very well be Jessica Lange’s last three episodes if she decides to follow through with her departure plans. (*Screams loudly into pillow*)

So now that I’ve thoroughly upset you, let me just add that these last three episodes are bound to be jam-packed with exciting twists and turns. I mean, this is American Horror Story we’re talking about, after all. And knowing Ryan Murphy, the worst (aka best) is yet to come. Speaking of which, as a way to help ease the pain of Season 4’s imminent end, I thought I’d take this time to list all of the things we still have to look forward to before things wrap up. So come one, come all and behold all that has yet to unfold!

Neil Patrick Harris’ AHS Debut

As the “Magical Thinking” promo indicates, NPH will be gracing us with his terrifying presence when he steps into the role of Chester, the Freak Show’s new owner who has an interest in Bette and Dot, ventriloquism, and sawing people in half. Suffice to say this is one guest star appearance we won’t soon forget… even if we want to.

A Jamie Brewer Cameo

Remember how I mentioned that Chester has a thing for ventriloquism? Well it just so happens that Brewer will appear as the apparently real-life version of his puppet. (It’s unclear whether or not she’s a figment of his imagination or an actual person the figure is based on.) Either way, it’ll be great to see this AHS vet up on our TV screens once more. Bring. It. On.

The Return of Edward Mordrake

Break out those green fog machines, folks, because Mordrake is coming back to collect some souls. (I thought this dude could only be summoned on Halloween. Does this mean we have a small time jump in our future?) No matter! The important thing is that he’s coming back and no amount of Lana Del Rey singing can stop him. But he won’t come empty handed…

Twisty Will Make a Comeback

Along with confirming Mordrake’s return, Murphy has assured fans that we haven’t seen the last of Twisty either. This terrifying clown will be back for some serious haunting at some point throughout these final few weeks and I, for one, can’t wait to see what he’s been up to. (Will he have his own foggy green entrance by now?)

More Dandy Nudity

Because within every high society killer, there lies the soul of a nudist. #grateful

Images: Sam Lothridge/FX; YouTube (2); bows-and-knives/Tumblr; Giphy (2)