
Mark McGrath & 23 Other Celebs Who Are Most Definitely Still Alive After Their Own Death Hoaxes

On Thursday, there were rumors and a faux press release stating that Mark McGrath was fatally shot. Part of the press release read, "In honor of Mr. McGrath's legacy, his team is asking in lieu of flowers, fans post a Sugar Ray selfie, holding a packet of sugar over their heart." Once I got to the word "selfie," I knew this had to be a joke. Thankfully, McGrath is alive and well.

However, he is not the first celebrity to fall victim to a death hoax. Every time I see an older star trending on Twitter, I automatically fear the worst. A lot of the time, it's actually some weird joke and the celebrities are actually fine. Still, it happens quite often. And it's not just older celebs, some of your favorites from Brad Pitt to Taylor Swift have been a part of these deadly rumors. See who else has been a part of a hoax. And don't believe everything you read! Other than this story, obviously.

by Marenah Dobin

Channing Tatum

In 2012, rumors started to circulate that Channing Tatum died while snowboarding. Tatum cleared up that rumor himself when he tweeted, “On set in Montreal. Alive and well. :-).” Before that, it was a rough time for Tatum fanatics.

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Britney Spears & Justin Timberlake

The only thing dead with Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake is their romantic relationship. Back in 2001, a radio DJ started rumors about Spears and Timberlake dying in a car accident. Timberlake’s 'NSYNC band mate even said, “[Timberlake] had family members who really thought it was true because they saw it on CNN.” Wow. What a cruel joke.

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Miley Cyrus

When Miley Cyrus stopped posting on Instagram for a few days, her fans just assumed that Cyrus was dead. Really? Yes. Apparently, the girl can’t take a break from selfies without causing a media uproar.


Betty White

In September 2014, readers were confused by a satirical story about Betty White’s death and it started trending on Twitter. White’s agent had to assure the public that she is alive and well.


Kanye West

Twitter went crazy with posts about Kanye West dying in a car accident with ex-girlfriend Amber Rose. The rumor was that two custom, luxury cars crashed in Los Angeles. The part about the customized vehicles is pretty believable. The death part is pretty absurd though. Who makes up these stories anyway?



I am at a point where I do not believe anything people say about Beyoncé. Good or bad, I know that there are always new Beyoncé rumors. In February 2015, a fake CNN story claimed that the singer died in a car crash. Don’t worry Beehive, she is OK.


Jennifer Lawrence

A Facebook fan page named “R.I.P. Jennifer Lawrence” was created in March 2014 so Lawrence’s fans jumped to drastic conclusions. Who would create a page like that? It sounds like someone has way too much time on their hands.


Harry Styles

In February 2014, Harry Styles fell victim to a celebrity death hoax when everyone thought he died in a car accident. The One Direction fans were at a total loss and tweeted their sadness. Gratefully, the singer is completely fine.

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Taylor Swift

In 2012, there was a report that Taylor Swift was found dead at her home in 2012. Taylor Swift’s country music career is dead, but the pop singer is still alive and ticking.


Ryan Gosling

In 2012, it was reported that Ryan Gosling fell 50 feet to his death from the Hahnenkamm Mountain and died in the middle of filming a movie. How dramatic. Hey girl, Ryan Gosling is alive. No need to worry.


Justin Bieber

An internet hoax claimed that Justin Bieber died from a car crash in 2014 and his fans were very upset about it. Don’t Belieb the rumors though, the singer is absolutely fine!


Chris Brown

Chris Brown has been the victim in multiple death hoaxes. In 2012, people flooded the comments section on pretty much every Chris Brown music video on YouTube with posts like ”Rest in peace Chris Brown.” Then in 2014, there were rumors that Brown died in a Suge Knight shooting. These constant rumors must be stressful for his friends and family.



I don’t feel like Madonna will ever die. That is why I would never believe a story about her death. In February 2012, “RIP Madonna” started trending on Twitter. Apparently the trend emerged because her single ”Give Me All Your Luvin” was a flop, but some people took the phrasing too literally.


Oprah Winfrey

In February 2013, social media users were up in arms posting about Oprah Winfrey dying from a stroke at an airport. How dramatic. It was posted on a fake CNN site and later dismissed by the actual CNN.

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Brad Pitt

What’s with all the rumors about celebrities dying in snowboarding accidents? In 2012, it was reported that Brad Pitt died while snowboarding in 2012. The Global Associated News site posted a disclaimer in small font at the end of the article that read, "FAKE…THIS STORY IS 100% FAKE! This is an entertainment website, and this is a totally fake article based on zero truth.” Apparently no one read that part.


Jennifer Lopez

#RIPJenniferLopez started trending on Twitter in April 2014, and personally I thought I was going to die from reading it. Still, it did not make any sense when Jennifer Lopez posted a photo online just a few hours before. I should have put that together at the time.


Hugh Hefner

In late 2014, stories started to circulate about Hugh Hefner dying from natural causes. Hefner put that story to bed by posting on his own social media page about being dead, yet able to attend family movie night.


Jon Bon Jovi

After rumors of Jon Bon Jovi dying from cardiac arrest, the rocker cleared up the story himself by posting a photo on social media. It’s a picture of him holding up a piece of paper that read, “Heaven looks a lot like New Jersey” with the date and time to prove that it was a current photo. You have to give him props for taking on such morbid rumors with a sense of humor.

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Morgan Freeman

According to Twitter, Morgan Freeman died in 2010. Users started manually writing a CNN tweet with the letters RT before it about Freeman’s death. However, the original tweet did not even exist and someone just started their own Twitter trend by writing “RT @CNN” before their statement.

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Paris Hilton

In 2012, there was a story about Paris Hilton dying from a violent car accident after she lost control of the vehicle. I’m pretty sure that Paris Hilton does not drive. She gets driven. That’s how I knew this one was a hoax.


Will Ferrell

There were rumors that Will Ferrell died in a paragliding accident in 2006. That’s kind of random. If people are going to make up rumors, shouldn’t they at least make them somewhat believable? Shaking. My. Head.

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Russell Brand

In 2012, rumors circulated that Russell Brand died in a snowboard accident. Brand cleared up the story when he tweeted, ”Bloody hell. I better cancel the milk” accompanied by a link to a story about his “death.”


Bobby Shmurda

In December 2014, there were rumors that Bobby Shmurda was stabbed to death by a cell mate in jail. The story went viral and the rapper’s fans were freaking out. Thankfully, he is OK — minus that whole being in jail thing.

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