
Biel's Accessory Line Is Made Out of What?

by Lindsay Mannering

There are some things in life that just make sense. Like, when you heard that Charlie Hunnam dropped out of Fifty Shades of Grey, you were like, yes, that it is not hard for me to believe. Here's another bit of celeb news that will make you nod your head in agreement: Jessica Biel's new accessory line is made out of recycled coffee sacks.

The actress started the company with her younger brother Justin and his childhood friend, Grason Ratowsky. She explained to Vogue that she believes in all of the creative ideas those two come up with.

My brother is one of those people that I just have total, 100 percent faith in. And I've known Grason [Ratowsky, his best friend] since I was in sixth grade. Together they've just, I don't know, always surprised me and done things that were way older than their years.

Justin Biel and Grason have traveled the world together, and it was Grason's dad who gave the two the go ahead to take over BARE, the company he'd started that made wares out of the giant java bean bags that were plentiful in Costa Rica. Now, the bags are being made in Colorado, the Biels' home state.

Jessica Biel's a partner in BARE, and carries one of their signature coffee bean bags around L.A. Soon there will be more bags turned into, well, bags: the company's considering upcycling sail cloths and grain sacks, as well.

Naturally, the bags retail for around $180 so if you're on a budget but still want to rock the look, you can probably make your own pretty easily. Staple some strips of cloth onto a coffee bean bag, and boom: you've got a lovely, industrially-designed purse.

But if there's any celebrity-backed fashion line to get behind, it's probably BARE. Recycled coffee sacks! It writes itself.