
What Does "TL;DR" Mean? A Guide To Reddit Acronyms

Internet shorthand can sometimes be difficult to parse — but (arguably, perhaps) nowhere encourages the use of acronyms and abbreviations in quite the same way Reddit does. But hey, good news if you've ever found yourself wondering what “tl;dr” actually means — some kind soul has put together an infographic defining 50 of the most commonly-encountered Reddit acronyms. Of course, they're not just limited to Reddit; a lot of them not only show up in other places on the Internet, but also (in some cases) pre-date Reddit. All the same, though — you probably won't see them in quite the same volume anywhere else on the web.

I may often have no idea what contemporary slang means (to be honest, I'm still trying to figure out “on fleek”), but I'm usually pretty up on my Internet acronyms — and more specifically, my Reddit acronyms, because I spend way too much time on the content-sharing site. That said, though, I was actually kind of surprised at how many of these I didn't know. For example, I had no idea the phrase “die in a fire” was used frequently enough to warrant its own shorthand (DIAF). Or “someone who isn't me” (SWIM). Or “thank you based god” (TYBG). I actually had to look up more details about that last one, since it's very, very far from self explanatory: According to Know Your Meme, rapper Lil B refers to himself as “Based God,” so hey, look — another celebrity-inspired meme.

You check out the full infographic below, but just for kicks, here are a few of the acronyms it contains — as well as some things they don't stand for. Because let's face it: The first thing “IANAL” brings to mind isn't the law.

  1. FTFY is not a misspelling of “fifty.” It stands for “fixed that for you,” and is frequently deployed when Redditors fix each others' typos, or amend comments for comedic effect.
  2. QFT is not an abbreviation of “queefed.” It translates to “quote for truth,” and can be used in pretty much the same way as “true that.” Clearly I need to update my constant usage of “true that,” because I was not aware we had moved on from it.
  3. IANAL does not refer to your behind. It means “I am not a lawyer,” and appears frequently on the r/legaladvice subreddit. A disclaimer, it's usually followed by a “but” and then a piece of advice. Take it or leave it as you see fit.
  4. IIRC is not a typo of “IRC,” which once referred to “Internet Relay Chat” (I'm showing my age, aren't I?). It's a truncation of “If I recall correctly.” Its usage is self-explanatory.
  5. TL;DR is not some weird sort of emoticon. It stands for “too long; didn't read”; it often appears at the end of incredibly long posts to denote a one-to-two sentence summary for those who couldn't be bothered to read the whole thing. The cleverer your TL;DR, the better.

Check out the full infographic here:

Images: Fotolia; Giphy; Imgur