
Grandson Burns His Dead Grandfather's Porn Stash

So odds are in the next ten years we'll find the key to immortality, and anybody reading this doesn't have to worry about people finding out about their porn stash post-mortem. But, you know, I'd still recommend a contingency plan. Even those of us who don't have porn on their computers have weird stuff on there like self-insert fan fiction from when they were 11 (no YOU'RE a sad dork) that we probably wouldn't want other eyes to see. And nobody understands or respects that struggle quite as much as this grandson who hid his dead grandfather's porn stash so that his mother would never find out it existed in the first place.

"While helping my parents clean out my Grandpa's house, I stumbled upon a box labeled 'Books' hidden underneath the stairs," explained the hero of our tale, who posted the pictures and details to Imgur. Inside are visible magazines like Hustler and Penthouse. When prompted by his mother, who asked what was in the box, he told her it was just books, and then said, "I taped it up, gave my gramps a nod to the sky and loaded this up in my car."

And then he burned the living shit out of them, because he is a bro and this is what bros do.

You know what? I have no idea what kind of intergalactic hovercraft porn we're going to have in the future. I can't even remember what I packed for lunch, let alone see that far into the world of porn. But my sincerest and most genuine hope is that the day that I die, the humans I have created will in turn have created other humans who are baller enough to hide whatever fricky frack collection I have amassed in my old age before the world finds out.

Future grandchildren, if you are reading this from your space pods, just are humanity's last hope.

Images: Getty Images; Imgur