
Boy Gives His Baby Sister Awesome Pep Talk

Someone is going to have to be evicted from the Big Brother Hall Of Fame to make room for this little champion. If you ever doubt yourself ever again, just watch this brother give his sister a pep talk while she's learning to walk, and you'll basically be inspired to conquer all your fears and then climb Mount Everest for kicks. Elijah, the big brother in the video, is riding on a toy car while his little sister balances on the front and toddles while she learns to walk. He backs up the car ever-so-carefully, waiting for her to gain her footing so she can practice as they go along. Yes, siblings this adorable do exist. They are perhaps an extremely far cry from the siblings you know and tolerate, but they are real.

I would like to take this opportunity to shout-out to my own older brother, who spent some of his very limited toddler vocabulary following me around and piping the words, "Be ceer-ful, Emma." (Apparently I was a very reckless infant.) Should we all be so lucky to have big brothers like mine and Elijah looking out for us. Just look at this adorable pair.

What I really want is for Elijah to be in one of those videos they play on treadmills at the gym. With this kind of inspiration, you'd never miss a workout again:

I also would love to note the winning reaction when his sister (inevitably) toppled over. Ever the optimist, he is just as encouraging when she fails as he was when she was rambling along. And anyone who knows anything about baby toppling knows that most of the time, if you keep on grinning, the little tyke who crashed will brush it off like Elijah's sister did.

Basically Elijah nailed this whole "big brother" thing, and I bet they're going to have all sorts of fun adventures together just as soon as his sister gets that walking thing on lock.

Images: YouTube(4)