
This Tiny Island Just Legalized Gay Marriage

by Eliza Castile

In today's edition of "news that restores your faith in humanity," Pitcairn, the world's smallest country, just legalized gay marriage. Unanimously. Even though there aren't any (out) gay couples on the island. Are you disappointed in America yet? Because I sure am.

Pitcairn is an island 2 miles long and 1 mile wide, and only houses around 50 residents, according to its official website. Geographically, the country is part of the larger Pitcairn Islands group in the South Pacific, although Pitcairn itself is the only inhabited island. Skeletons and various other signs of life indicate that it was home to native Polynesians at one point, but by the time European sailors on the ship Bounty mutinied and settled on the island in 1790, Pitcairn was unpopulated. Despite the rather violent past, the current residents of Pitcairn are clearly a little more welcoming than their ancestors. According to Distractify, the local council unanimously chose to legalize same-sex marriage after England, Scotland, and Wales did so last year. Hilariously enough, the decision was made a month ago, but nobody knew because the island's internet was down and the administrative headquarters are located in Auckland, New Zealand, more than 3000 miles away.

Pitcairn is unreasonably beautiful, and Rodney Croome, National Director of Australian Marriage Equality, sees potential in its proximity to Australia. "I could imagine some couples from off the island might find it a romantic destination, including Australians who can't marry in their own country," he said, according to Distractify.

Oh, darn. Chances are high that my state will never legalize same-sex marriage unless someone twists their arm (lookin' at you, SCOTUS), so I guess I'll have to get married on a beautiful Pacific Island instead. Life sure is hard sometimes.

Image: Giphy