
Why You Shouldn't Buy Knockoffs

by Stephanie Chon

As much as you want that high-fashion branded bag, it's always really tempting to purchase a knockoff that you might come across on eBay. However, in France, they have a specific governmental committee that is in charge of fighting off and reducing the amount of illegitimate art and design that gets passed around their artistically-rich country. The committee, named Comité Colbert, shared why you shouldn't buy knockoffs and the reason goes beyond the fact that companies lose revenue to these fake pieces.

Last year in 2014, there were about 9 million illicit products that were confiscated in France alone. The key point to take away from here is the fact that these are only the products that were found to be illicit. There could've easily been many more fake products all around the country and even flying in internationally. Sidney Toledano, the public authority of Comité Colbert and president of Christian Dior, said, "Art, creativity, and intellectual property are man’s only inalienable possession. Instead of saying, ‘Don’t buy this,’ we want to address the human face of creativity. When you protect creative minds against illicit trafficking, artists can live off their creations and companies can invest."

In other words, the next time you're gawking over that Prada bag you've had your eye on for the past year now, don't just settle for a knockoff. The high price tag is there for a reason. There were countless of hours and creative ideas put into it, which, IMHO, are honestly priceless.