
This Blogger's Slow Mo Pool Splash Wins Everything

by Gina Jones 2

If there ever was a body positive heaven for all things fashion, fatshion, and fun, it'd have to be Fat Girl Flow. Plus size blogger Corissa Enneking has acquired huge online fame with her super cute and OTT outfits as well as her passionate campaigning for body positivity and self love. Only recently, she rocked the blogosphere with her fantastic compilation of plus size women in bikinis — a project titled "We Exist" that specifically showcased a much more diverse representation of female beach bodies. She stepped outside of the fashion world's standard of plus size (a toned size 12) to represent women not just of all sizes, but of all shapes as well.

Enneking's blog has been receiving much acclaim since April 2015, and even more so after she created a list of retailers and brands for where to shop for clothes sizes 28 and up. Now, only a few days after garnering loads of love for her We Exist project, Enneking's back in the limelight for a Facebook video that showed me and so many more something I'd never gotten to see on any form of media (social or otherwise).

On July 9th, Enneking shared a pool splash video of herself, which shows her running up to a pool in a too cute fatkini before jumping in with no inhibitions. Not only has Enneking represented fat women performing one of the funnest acts of the summer, but she even filmed herself doing it in slow motion. Finally, we get to see a fat body move in such a way without a laugh track — without it being a joke. I think Enneking's slow motion pool splash represents all the fun that summer can be. I could never work out how many times I've seen thin bodies cannonball into pools both in films and on social media, but this is the first time I've seen a pool splash from a larger body in a solely fun, summery context.

Although it may sometimes seem like a small issue compared to the world's other grimness, representation in every aspect of society and the media is crucial and Enneking's pool splash makes me feel that extra bit more confident about heading towards the water this summer.

Images: Fat Girl Flow/Instagram