I Tried Daxxify, The Buzzy, Longer-Lasting Botox Alternative
The results have me shook.

I sprung for Botox the year I turned 30, and I now can’t imagine my life before this magical toxin. With the prick of a needle, my crow's feet disappear and I’m rendered emotionless thanks to its ability to freeze my frown lines and forehead wrinkles — for a few months, at least.
However, as the years passed, I found that my forehead required more units with every trip I made to my provider and it would wear off sooner, leaving less time between injections. Perhaps its magic was waning. So when I heard about Daxxify, a neuromodulator from the same family of botulinum toxin A (aka Botox) that also freezes or alleviates frown lines and wrinkles — but promises to last months longer — I jumped at the chance to try it.
What Is Daxxify?
Approved for use by the FDA in September 2022, Daxxify, by Revance, is the first neuromodulator of its kind formulated with peptide exchange technology in place of human serum albumin and animal-based components (which is in the formulation of other neuromodulators, such as Botox). In other words, Daxxify is a vegan toxin — a huge point of differentiation, explains Dr. Ava Shamban, M.D., a board-certified dermatologist in Beverly Hills, founder of AVA MD Dermatology and Skin Five Medical Spas, and an investigator in the Daxxify clinical trials.
What really makes Daxxify the rising star in the world of neuromodulators is its longevity.
Besides its peptide-based formula, however, it works just like the other neuromodulators you know and love. “Daxxify (daxibotulinumtoxinA-lanm) or DAXI is injected into muscles to temporarily improve the look of moderate to severe frown lines between the eyebrows,” explains Dr. Sheila Malek Kassir, M.D., co-founder of Kassir Plastic Surgery and Inside Beauty Spa.
Daxxify is used to treat the glabella or frown lines (aka the 11s) — the area in which it’s FDA-approved for — and is used off-label for forehead wrinkles, crow’s feet, neck bands, and any other dynamic wrinkles (the lines that form when making facial movements).
Benefits Of Daxxify
What really makes Daxxify the rising star in the world of neuromodulators is its longevity. “While many neuromodulators [like Botox, Dysport, Xeomin, and Juveau] are known to last three to five months, Daxxify is reported to last around six months. Therefore, it requires fewer trips to the derm and easier maintenance,” says Kassir.
Though clinical studies have reported the line-smoothing effects to last twice as long as Botox, experts note that Daxxify’s longevity ultimately depends on several factors. “How long it [lasts for] is very determinate upon the patient, how fast their body metabolizes the neurotoxin, [patients] taking proper at-home care to prolong results, and dosage,” says Dr. Howard Sobel, M.D, dermatologist and founder of Sobel Skin.
If Daxxify is intended to last twice as long as Botox, it would make sense that Daxxify would contain double the dose of the active ingredient (botulinum toxin type A) — but that isn’t the case. Approved a frown line dose is 40 units for Daxxify, compared to 20 units for Botox, with both toxins containing the same amount of botulinum toxin type A in each dosage.
Another point of differentiation between Daxxify and other neuromodulators is the post-injection look of your skin. “Daxxify gives you a softer, more natural, and very pretty glow,” says Shamban. “It’s unclear whether it is due specifically to the toxin or to the protein excipient, but it is quite noticeable in terms of how the product sits, looks, and works.”
The Cost
The cost of Daxxify injections depends upon several factors, including your location, provider, facial anatomy, and goals (meaning how relaxed you want your facial muscles to look). Some providers may charge per area, while others may charge per unit.
For reference, the cost of the 90 units injected into the three areas of my face (crow's feet, glabella lines, and forehead), was $1,500.
Pre-Injection Protocol
Prepping for Daxxify injections is pretty much the same as for any other neurotoxin injection. To avoid bruising, it is recommended that you avoid taking blood thinners (such as ibuprofen and aspirin) and supplements, and minimize alcohol consumption ahead of your treatment.
An important thing to note: If it’s your first time with neuromodulators, you may want to consider holding off on getting Daxxify. If you’re not used to seeing your face after wrinkle relaxers and you’re not happy with your results, you may have to wait over half a year until the toxin wears off — whereas with Botox, its shorter duration works in your favor.
My Experience With Daxxify
I visited Dr. Sobel in New York City for my Daxxify injections, and the experience was short and extremely pleasant. First, he asked if I wanted to numb the areas he planned to inject (the entire forehead, between the eyebrows, and crow’s feet), but I opted not to since I don't usually for my Botox injections.
After frowning, looking surprised, and smiling wide several times, he injected me with Daxxify — slowly and precisely, with minimal discomfort (or blood, for that matter) — and before I knew it, he was finished. Sobel had injected the three areas with about 90 units — quite literally twice as many units as I usually get for Botox — but I didn’t feel a bigger pinch than I do with other neuromodulators.
I looked in the mirror right after I was injected and noticed that I barely had any redness near any of the injection sites (as I normally tend to after Botox injections). In fact, it almost looked as if I had nothing done at all. Now, all I had to do was wait for the magic to happen.
The Results & Aftercare
Just like with other neuromodulators, it is recommended that you don’t lie down for four hours post-treatment or massage the injection area to avoid the product spreading. It’s also advised to avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours afterwards.
Purportedly, the results of Daxxify are meant to be more “natural looking” — though one can argue that freezing one’s facial muscles is the farthest thing from natural. Be that as it may, I noticed my skin was slightly more taut and I had decreased muscle movement in my forehead by the evening of my treatment. I was taken aback by how quickly it began to work. “Daxxify is known to sometimes kick in the same day,” says Tara Adashev, APRN, a registered nurse practitioner at Neinstein Plastic Surgery in NYC. “The full effects are the same as Botox and take a full 14 days to show.”
One of the most interesting takeaways is the fact that I did not bruise post-Daxxify. Considering the amount of injections I endure, my track record for bruising post-injection is solid, notwithstanding the skill or expertise of the injector.
Final Verdict
I am about two weeks post-injection and I’m immensely satisfied with my results. My skin after Daxxify is glowing and it’s giving a frozen, yet “natural” look, just as Shamban described.
I am so impressed with the results that I will probably be skipping Botox for the near future. No offense to my OG, but I’m moving onto something that offers me much more and is not as needy.
I love how quickly you see results and I love knowing that it will last longer than Botox. As a girl of convenience, I am all about this. Also, as an animal lover and vegetarian, I love that its formulation is vegan and guilt-free.
Overall, if it’s within your budget, I truly cannot recommend Daxxify enough.
Studies referenced:
Bertucci, V. (2020). DaxibotulinumtoxinA for Injection has a prolonged duration of response in the treatment of glabellar lines: Pooled data from two multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 studies. JAAD. DOI:
Dover, JS. (2023). Treatment of Upper Facial Lines With DaxibotulinumtoxinA for Injection: Results From an Open-Label Phase 2 Study. Dermatol Surg. 2023 Jan 1;49(1):60-65. doi: 10.1097/DSS.0000000000003637. Epub 2022 Nov 28. PMID: 36533798; PMCID: PMC9760460.
Dr. Ava Shamban, M.D., a board-certified dermatologist in Beverly Hills, founder of AVA MD Dermatology and Skin Five Medical Spas
Dr. Sheila Malek Kassir, M.D., co-founder of Kassir Plastic Surgery and Inside Beauty Spa
Dr. Howard Sobel, M.D, dermatologist and founder of Sobel Skin