
Here's Your August 2020 Horoscope, Leo

It’s time to speak your truth.

by Astrologer Six
Originally Published: 

Your August 2020 Horoscope For Leo

Happy Solar Return, Leo! The sun is shining brightly within your house of self, so expect a burst of creative energy in August. While you might not have the full freedom to do all that you’d like, this is still a wonderful time to lean into understanding yourself. On August 5, Mercury, the planet of communication and messages, will join the sun within your house of self. It’s time to speak your truth, Leo, as there’s no way to avoid creative and bold expression this month. Don’t overwhelm yourself with new information, especially because Aries Chiron is granting you the gift of independence and self-actualization — if you’re willing to do the work. There are caveats in all parts of life, and on August 23, it’s best to prepare for the critical responses that await.

What August 2020 Has In Store For Leo’s Relationships

The ruler of your house of relationships, Saturn, has been retrograde in the sign Capricorn for a little bit of time now. Saturn, the planet that rules over commitment and boundaries, is challenging you to re-evaluate your day-to-day habits and reflect over who actually fits into your life. You may find that your relationships are experiencing some sort of transformation, so prepare yourself for changes. It's possible that you’ve only held onto certain relations due to insecurities. It’s important to be a realist, Leo, especially when it’s in your best interest to be one.

Tarot Card Of The Month For Leo

3 of Pentacles: Keep up the good work, as there are rewards for you if you continue.

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