
Here's Your Horoscope For January 2023

Mercury retrograde and Mars retrograde will finally be over.

by Alexandria Lettman
Originally Published: 
Every zodiac sign's January 2023 horoscope.

January kicks off with Venus’ entrance into intellectual, non-conforming Aquarius on Jan 2. Step out of your comfort zone, spend more time among friends, and don’t be afraid to date someone who doesn’t seem like your usual type. Tearful goodbyes are on the horizon as the sensitive full moon in Cancer will bring confusing and unplanned endings on Jan 6. At last, Mars retrograde will end in Gemini on Jan. 12, bringing back your energy, determination, and patience. Life will go smoothly again after Mercury’s frustrating retrograde ends in Capricorn on Jan. 18. And that’s not all for your January 2023 horoscope.

Your innovative, charitable, and intuitive sides will emerge once the sun enters Aquarius on Jan 20, heralding the start of a new season. Anchor into this energy by unapologetically being yourself. On Jan. 21, the new moon in Aquarius will inspire you to break boundaries, so think outside the box and keep your sights set on bigger dreams.

Brace yourself for changes to your routine, income, and self-love as Uranus retrograde ends in Taurus on Jan 22. Rise up to challenges and integrate lessons you have recently learned about maintaining your stability during rocky times. Once Venus sweeps through compassionate and enchanting Pisces on Jan. 26, you’ll feel more romantic and compassionate, and notice an increasing inclination to get carried away in your desires and fantasies.

Happy birthday, Aquarius!

Aries January Horoscope (March 21-April 19)

January will get off to a sensitive start, Aries, as closure evades you. You might be left with some unanswered questions. Remember, though, inner peace can be cultivated from within. Don’t become too reliant on others to give you the emotional clarity you need. Try not to panic if you feel like you’re going into the new year without a solid plan. This is a great opportunity to break boundaries and set new dreams that will free you from last year's challenges.

Taurus January Horoscope (April 20-May 20)

Your month will kick off with a burst of inspiration once Venus enters your career sector. Brainstorm new ideas about how you can align with more purposeful work, and prepare to have conversations about impending life changes that may leave you feeling more sensitive than usual. Thankfully, once Mars retrograde ends on Jan. 12, you will find it easier to push forward without second-guessing yourself. Don’t jump back into a work grind until you have a clear vision of what will make you truly happy.

Gemini January Horoscope (May 21-June 20)

Brace yourself for changes to your financial situation and livelihood. Threats to your stability can be frightening, but new opportunities always arise when old ones end. Once Mercury — your ruling planet — ends its retrograde on Jan. 18, you’ll have an easier time reining in negative thoughts. This is the opportune time to turn your focus toward things you love that will support your future, such as learning and traveling.

Cancer January Horoscope (June 21-July 22)

You may be eager to shed the old version of yourself in order to approach the upcoming year differently. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to immediately feel different, and make sure you communicate with your loved ones so they’re aware of the personal transformations that you’re undergoing. During the second half of the month, as we enter innovative Aquarius season, allow your intuition to light the way forward. Focus on where you’re headed when the present moment becomes difficult to navigate.

Leo January Horoscope (July 23-Aug. 22)

Though the month may get off to an introspective start, you will quickly find your rhythm and feel empowered to ask for exactly what you need from others. Open your heart and mind, as you may form unconventional new romantic connections and partnerships that may be misunderstood by others. The worst thing you can do is deny yourself true happiness out of fear of what others will think. Set yourself free and stand your ground when challenged.

Virgo January Horoscope (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Goodbyes can be difficult — especially when you have to let go of a goal that didn’t work out or a friend whom you thought you would know forever. Reconnect with your inner power and focus on the facets of life that are within your control — such as breaking away from old routines that are no longer working for you and trying new things. Luckily, when Venus enters your romance sector on Jan. 26, you will feel more passionate, optimistic, and supported by your nearest and dearest.

Libra January Horoscope (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Allow changes in your professional life to motivate you. Your creative ideas may be more valuable than you might think when leading you in a new direction; don’t overlook them or diminish their significance. Your dating life could also grow in activity this January, and you could find yourself drawn to new people who may not be your usual type. Don’t allow the start of a new relationship to distract you from your hopes and dreams.

Scorpio January Horoscope (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Your innate desire for independence will increase this month, which may cause conflicts with people who don’t understand your desire for space. Hopefully, by the time Mercury retrograde ends on Jan. 18, you will find the right words to articulate your thoughts directly. All this time spent reconnecting to yourself could lead you to find the person of your dreams. Just don’t over-romanticize the idea of a new relationship, as you may set yourself up for disappointment.

Sagittarius January Horoscope (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You may finally heal from a loss, pay off a debt, or tie up loose ends this January; however, these endings may not bring the clarity you expected. Take some time to sit with your feelings, and don’t rush the process of renewal — especially as Mercury retrograde (which ends on Jan. 18) makes it difficult for you to plan and assess your next course of action. New journeys are on the horizon, and you may feel more enlightened after the new moon in Aquarius on Jan. 21. Envision new ways to invite more freedom, spontaneity, and excitement into your life.

Capricorn January Horoscope (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Emotional conversations with a loved one could leave you feeling confused about your feelings. Try not to make any permanent decisions, as you could regain your clarity after Mercury retrograde ends on Jan 18. Beyond this date, a renewal of your inspiration and dreams could leave you with new ideas on how to improve your financial circumstances. Just make sure you aren’t burying yourself in work to chase monetary goals.

Aquarius January Horoscope (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Aquarius, you may feel more in your element this January. However, changes in your work environment or even emotional conversations around your health could prompt you to focus on your well-being. Try not to beat yourself up over decisions you made in the past — moments of reflection and realization offer invaluable wisdom that will help you move forward with more self-awareness. This is the perfect time to put yourself first and prioritize your happiness.

Pisces January Horoscope (Feb. 19-March 20)

January may be a reclusive month for you, Pisces, as your most brilliant ideas will find you during time spent alone. Mindful practices such as journaling and meditation will support you in finding inner peace. Prepare for endings and closure with matters (and people) closely connected to your heart, which may leave you feeling vulnerable, sensitive, and in need of TLC. Find the silver lining in all matters to help you cope with this month's changes and maintain your positive attitude.

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