
You Know You're A Real Adult If You Find These 36 Tweets Funny

“My brother asked my dad what I do for work and he said, 'Send and receive emails.’”

by Mackenzie Sylvester
Originally Published: 
Woman in her home office laughing at relatable jokes for adults
Delmaine Donson/E+/Getty Images

Adulting probably isn’t quite what you thought it would be. When you’re a kid, grown-ups seem to just have it all figured out, like they have some kind of “How to Do Life” handbook. Well, as it turns out, everyone’s kind of just winging it. Sometimes common knowledge isn’t so common. Sometimes you’d give anything to tell your child self to take every last minute of nap time possible because you’ll be begging for it later.

While bills, taxes, dwindling friendships, and air filters aren’t very amusing, seeing the humor and poking fun at it all actually can be. Some good old relatable jokes for adults are just the thing to lighten up the boring sides of growing up.

X (formerly Twitter) is always a delightful treasure trove when it comes to realizing you’ve never had an original thought or experience. Like, you’re saying we all have to scrounge around and figure out what to eat for dinner every single night?! And if we had work yesterday, we still have to come in tomorrow? Seems a little much.

These posts on X have the best jokes for adults that will make you laugh and feel seen.

“‘What’s your favorite childhood memory?’ Me: Not paying bills.” — @wallstmemes

Ahh, the good life. If only you knew how much you’d miss those days before they were gone.

“When you’re a kid you think coffee is the most adult drink[.] Then as a teenager you think alcohol is really the cool adult drink. Then you finally become an adult and realize that all along, it was water. Water is the ultimate adult drink.” — @showerfeelings

Water is and has always been the most mature beverage you could consume. Drinking enough water is hard, okay? Many adults still struggle with this one.

“Me trying to get 8 hours of sleep in just 3 hours.” — @iHad2GoGetit

What do you mean it’s impossible to get eight hours of sleep in three? This whole adulthood thing seems entirely too rigged.

“Welcome to adulthood: being tired and being awake are the same thing.” — @NotTodayEric

Maybe this wouldn’t happen if you could stuff a whole night’s sleep in three hours. Or if you kept that bedtime procrastination in check. (Hint: put the phone down and try picking up a book before bed.)

“Adulting is asking for bills to be paid as a Christmas gift.” — @Jameca2011

Delmaine Donson/E+/Getty Images

What’s that they say about gifts that you want versus ones that you need? Well, this one is both. You need your bills to be paid and you surely want them to be taken care of too. It’s not that unrealistic, is it?

“One thing no one ever talks about being an adult is how much time you debate yourself on keeping a cardboard box because it's, like, a really good box.” — @madameanthro

OK, but what if you have to wrap a birthday present that’s the exact size and shape of this box? Or what if you have to help someone move and this box perfectly fits their collection of limited-edition romantasy books? Better keep it just in case.

“Me at 18: I can't wait to see what amazing things are waiting for me as an adult! Me at 40: Pretty excited about this new dish sponge.” — @AbbyHasIssues

You can’t deny that there is something so wholesome about getting excited over a dish sponge or a wicked good spatula, though. It’s the little things.

“When someone emails you and then you email them back but they have an Out Of Office message up, that's the "down low, too slow" of the adult world.” — @joshgondelman

The age-old “down low, too slow” was a classic for slick high-fives as kids, but as adults? The joke just got a little mature upgrade that lowkey feels even more satisfying than pranking the other fifth graders.

“Injuries as a kid: fouled on a layup[,] fell off trampoline[,] pulled muscle running. Injuries as an adult: slept wrong[,] sat too long[,] coughed.” — @XplodingUnicorn

Some adult jokes are a laugh-until-you-cry moment. This is one of those moments. Those years of being made of rubber were far too underappreciated.

“Being an adult is so hard wtf. moving out of the apartment I lived for a year in and I just realized that I didn't pay my electric bill this whole time??” — @Spicalol

It’s astonishing now to think about all the little things your parents took care of when you were a kid. That you just had like... no idea was a thing. Now the only question is how did they actually do it all? You mean to say that no one was reminding you to change your dishwasher filter? Or better yet, telling you that dishwashers have filters?

“So turns out being an adult is mostly just Googling how to do stuff.” — @_shaarlyy

Jajah-sireenut/E+/Getty Images

Honestly, Google is out here saving lives. It’s the adulting handbook that no one ever got but desperately needed, only not everything in the book is actually true or useful, so good luck sifting through that mess yourself. Plus, you have to actually know what to Google to begin with because unfortunately, the search engine doesn’t just give you unsolicited (albeit necessary) adulting advice.

“By age 35 you should have a huge box of cables but you can't throw them out because you're pretty sure you still need a couple of them but you're not sure which ones.” — @LoriG

And you’re always so sure that you’ll “just know” what the next one is for when you chuck it into the forbidden cable box of doom. But you’ll never just know. Just knowing was for your parents. Could it be because they actually labeled things? No, that couldn’t be it.

“In my experience, adulthood is mostly piling stuff up on surfaces and then eventually having to clean off those surfaces.” — @helgagrace

Having a clean, minimalistic house is overrated anyway. Thank goodness for the maximalist movement because where were these home decor influencers putting all of their table pile stuff?

“Adulting is realizing you can't skip work like you skipped classes.” — @hashjenni

Delmaine Donson/E+/Getty Images

Well, you could. But skipping work will come back to bite you harder than detention ever would. At least you could eat lunch in there.

“Welcome to adulthood. You get mad when they rearrange your grocery store now.” — @AbbyHasIssues

And then when you finally nail down the quickest route to spaghetti sauce, they put the smoke and mirrors back up and the store pulls another HGTV-style Flip or Flop on everyone.

“Adult friendships are fried u gotta book time slots to chill 4 months from now like it’s a dentist appointment.” — @itsqail

Remember when you could simply call your friend up and tell them you’re hopping on your bike and will be there in 20? The pure, ignorant bliss of having a calendar as empty as your fridge’s vegetable drawer is something you just can’t get back.

“[reading the bible but getting impressed by the wrong parts] woah this guy had 12 friends in his 30’s.” — @MNateShyamalan

Hirurg/E+/Getty Images

Again with the jokes about adult friendships, they’re a sad reality when you think of how popping your social life was way back in the pre-teen glory days. But then again, as an adult, twelve friends sounds like entirely too much commitment when you could be cracking a cold one on the couch in your stretchy pants or taking a much-needed self-care bubble bath.

“99% of socializing as an adult is just people telling you about shows and you saying ‘oh yeah, i’ve been meaning to start that!’” — @mattbooshell

Eventually, you’ll get around to it, so no one better be giving out spoilers... even if it takes until three years later. Keeping up with a billion streaming services is basically a full-time job, so there’s going to be a hit series you’re late to the jump with or two. Or 12.

“My wife and I wanted to go to a movie but it didn't start until 4:30PM, so we'll try another day when we won't be out all night.” — @DanRegan_Comedy

The adult math is absolutely mathing. If you think about it, there will be a half-hour of trailers, so the movie won’t actually start until 5 p.m. And since movies run for about a quarter past an eternity now, you could potentially not get home until nearly 9 p.m. Which is, sorry, so past your bedtime.

“Due to the increase in gas prices[,] a man hanging from the passenger side of his best friend’s ride is no longer a scrub, he is a man making smart financial decisions and I’m intrigued.” — @roastmalone_

andreswd/E+/Getty Images

Where’s the joke? The woman is speaking facts. Sorry TLC, there’s no room for scrub-haters in this economy.

“Grocery shopping in 2004: Clip coupons out of Sunday newspaper to use at checkout. Grocery shopping in 2024: Clip digital coupons, download the app, scan QR code, enter rewards member number, password and the FBI nuclear launch codes at self-checkout to save 50 cents on bananas.” — @AbbyHasIssues

Adulting in the early aughts seemed so much easier. Straightforward coupons and the possibility of home ownership with only one full-time job? What a time.

“Paid rent so I'll be at home enjoying my purchase for the rest of the month.” — @Highoffantt

It’s so nice, you’ll probably want to repurchase next month too. And even the month after that, who knows? Might as well tell your friends it’s about a six- to 12-month commitment you’ll be enjoying.

“The biggest scam of adulthood is the price of a rug.” — @jeremywball

NickyLloyd/E+/Getty Images

It’s fine, you can always get the awkwardly sized smaller version to perfectly not quite reach each corner of the table. At least the flooring cost an arm and a leg too since you’ll be showing more of that off now. Or there’s always the option of doubling it up as your bed since it costs about that much.

“‘Sorry I have to be up early for work is the adult equivalent of ‘my mom said no.’” — @adultproblem

And what a relief a valid excuse to stay home is. It’s almost as good as canceled plans.

“My brother asked my dad what I do for work and he said ‘send and receive emails.’” — @jodecicry

To be fair, he’s not wrong. But there is also the occasional Zoom meeting to spice things up every now and then, right?

“It's late. Should I go to bed or eat a block of cheese?” — @lmegordon

Maca and Naca/E+/Getty Images

That’s the thing about being an adult. Free will. Want a whole block of cheese before bed? Nobody’s going to stop you.

“It’s important to reward yourself for your accomplishments. For example, I spent five minutes vacuuming, so now I’m going to sit on the couch with snacks for three hours, watching my favorite shows.” — @AbbyHasIssues

Seems reasonable. If you’re not going to reward yourself for your hard work, what’s to motivate you to keep going?

“Guys being an adult sucks ur just expected to know things (I DONT KNOW ANYTHING).” — @nxdiamusic

Sorry but when was the sign-up for the class? How does everyone know all these life things? You either pretend to know what’s going on (most of the time) or look like a fool (also most of the time).

“2 hours of cooking just to eat in 10 minutes and now I've gotta wash everything.” — @stfuayen

And that’s probably why you’re spending all your money on Postmates. The kids really don’t know how good they’ve got it.

“Remember, you can disappear into an overgrown forest whenever you want. You're an adult.” — @DothTheDoth

Honestly, tempting. Not that disappearing into the woods would solve every problem, but the reminder of the possibility is nice.

“Being an adult is a little bit out of my price range right now.” — @thatkelligirll

For real, is there a refund on adulthood? It seems like kind of a rip-off. The false advertising is staggering.

“Being an adult is having the ‘we have food at home’ talk with yourself.” — @Bootlegkhaled

supersizer/E+/Getty Images

*Being a responsible adult. You can always choose to ignore yourself and get takeout anyway. And that’s the few beauties of being a grown-up. Plus, there’s a good chance the “food at home” is ketchup, freezer-burnt broccoli, and ice.

“You’re ever doing a task and think ‘I need an adult’ and then realize that you’re an adult but need an adultier adult and just cry because same.” — @SupJess__

When does one level up from beginner adult to adulty adult? Apparently, it doesn’t happen overnight.

“Man you really think your teachers are pure & innocent growing up until you’re an adult and all your wild friends are now employed teaching the youth of America.” — @brianluebben

Vadym Buinov/Moment/Getty Images

It’s truly one of the most eye-opening, horrifying, yet mesmerizing experiences of adulthood. But of course, you still see your past teachers as the exception. They were teachers, not regular people like your rowdy friends... who are also teachers.

“Your 30s is basically waking up every morning wondering if you’re coming down with a cold or if this is just how you wake up now.” — @xcolorstorm

Is that a flu ache or just joint pain? Are you usually this phlegmy when you wake up? It’s almost like a fun little guessing game to get you going in the morning.

“The older I get the more I understand why my mom always said ‘I’m going to go lay down.’” — @Kozher_FG

Life is tiring.

This article was originally published on