
Your Horoscope For June 2023

You're about to get a major reality check.

Your June 2023 horoscope

The month gets off to a refreshing start with an enlightening full moon in Sagittarius on June 4. An insightful learning experience is coming to an end, offering answers and profound wisdom. Indulge in attention received from those who adore you most, and explore your extravagant interests without shame as Venus traverses regal Leo from June 5.

Mercury’s journey through intellectually curious Gemini begins on June 11, restoring your rationality and mental clarity. This agile and talkative energy encourages you to ask questions, brainstorm new ideas, and adapt your perspective and opinions. On the same day, Pluto retrograde dips back into wise and controlled Capricorn, asking you to deepen your observations of underlying power imbalances in your life.

Once karmic Saturn begins its retreat through boundless Pisces on June 17, expect difficult lessons about how your fears have held you back. Be careful of setting off on the wrong path as the hazy new moon in Gemini arrives on June 18. You may lack the clarity, focus, and understanding needed to articulate yourself.

Thankfully, the Sun enters tender Cancer on June 21, serving as an opportunity to process your thoughts and feelings and restore your inner security. Mercury follows the Sun’s lead on June 27 when it plunges into Cancer’s waters. Expect an increase in your sensitivity, compassion, and moodiness. Neptune retrograde gets underway in Pisces from June 30, challenging you to face whatever realities you’ve been avoiding.

Happy birthday, Cancer!

Aries June Horoscope (March 21-April 19)

Aries, you may find yourself engrossed in friendly debates this June. Lighten up and avoid fixating on being right — it’s all a bit of fun! Venus lights up your dating life, inspiring you to connect to your charming and flirtatious side. Expect to be spoiled and romanced by someone who completely adores you and to explore your sexual nature and desires. By the end of the month, you will feel more introspective. Avoid ruminating over the past.

Taurus June Horoscope (April 20-May 20)

Cultivate a deeper understanding of your needs, desires, and limitations, Taurus. You’ll find it easier to chase your goals and love yourself when you are clear on what will bring you happiness and how you’ve held back in the past. If your goals, dreams, and manifestations are taking longer than expected to materialize, you’ll soon understand why when Saturn moonwalks through Pisces on June 17. Turn your focus within and ask yourself how recent distractions have influenced these delays.

Gemini June Horoscope (May 21-June 20)

The people closest to you will be your greatest teachers this June. Through their wisdom and behavior, you will learn more about yourself and your relationships. Instead of dominating conversations with your opinions, be an eager and enthusiastic listener. Ask people questions about themselves to strengthen your bond. Major reality checks could poke holes in your ambitions toward the end of the month. Take time to process your feelings and nurture yourself.

Cancer June Horoscope (June 21-July 22)

Your fear of growing outside your comfort zone could bring harsh consequences this June. Don’t get upset, be motivated to change your behavior. Venus’ empowered energy is in your favor. Leap toward bigger and better financial goals. Keep your eye on the prize, and the light of success will shine down on you, bringing early rewards as encouragement. When the Sun switches into your zodiac sign on June 21, you’ll finally be able to release some of your worries and fears.

Leo June Horoscope (July 23-Aug. 22)

Loving Venus is sweeping through your zodiac sign from June 5, encouraging you to be the most authentic version of yourself. As your pride and charisma increase, so might your desire to be the center of attention. Make yourself a priority, but remember that not every situation is about you. You can’t begin to set your sights on new goals until you explore what held you back with your last dreams. Valuable alone time will facilitate gentle reflections on how you’ve gotten in your own way.

Virgo June Horoscope (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You don’t get what you don’t ask for in life, Virgo. You may have to face this bitter truth when it comes to the love you’ve wished you had but didn’t receive. Start affirming what you want out loud rather than quietly or in your head, and handle relationship-related matters with maturity and honesty. Cancer season arrives on June 21, inviting you to practice sharing your feelings with your friends. This will help you build courage. You’ll find it easier to process your emotions in a nurturing and positive environment like a supportive group chat. Let it all out.

Libra June Horoscope (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Your mind is lighting up with new and inspired ideas this June, putting you in your element. Explore your evolving perspective and opinions with curiosity and be a free and independent thinker. Saturn retrograde in spacey Pisces on June 17 could see you dealing with the consequences of delayed action regarding your priorities and wellness. Whatever wasn’t taken seriously in the past is now begging for your attention and total presence. Learn from your mistakes, immaturity, or naïvety, and tackle problems as they come.

Scorpio June Horoscope (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

A boost in your passion and ambition will have you hungry for success. Stay focused on the pathway that leads to your goals, but don’t beat yourself up when you face distractions — you’re human, not a machine. You’ll be subjected to hard-hitting revelations about where you’ve been going wrong in love that inspire you to reflect on previous mistakes and heartbreaks. Don’t allow these shifts to paint a pessimistic view of your future. Today’s hard pill to swallow is tomorrow’s wisdom.

Sagittarius June Horoscope (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

The June 4 full moon blooms in your zodiac sign, Sagittarius, magnifying your confidence and optimism. Opportunities to quench your thirst for knowledge will surface, calling you to take big strides toward purposeful goals that are pleasurable, not work-related. Be ready to adopt the role of motivational speaker and advice-giver when people turn to you for meaningful conversation. Through your intimate partnerships and connections, you’ll learn more about yourself, your fears, and your strengths. Don’t be scared to dive deep!

Capricorn June Horoscope (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Information is coming to light that will deliver answers to your unnerving questions. Process your thoughts in solitude, accept the truth that is revealed to you, and allow it to heal your worries and fears. Once Mercury regains its strength in Gemini on June 11, your growing interest in your health and wellbeing will inspire you to explore positive changes to your routines and rituals. Improving your quality of life will aid the way you show up for others. Be courageous enough to deepen your intimate connections with your loved ones by allowing yourself to be vulnerable.

Aquarius June Horoscope (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Warm displays of love, affection, and gratitude are coming your way. Now is not the time to shy away from the spotlight. You deserve to be held in high esteem by the people who admire and adore you, Aquarius. Patient work on communication with your partner or lover is the secret to developing your intimate connection. However, with the new moon in Gemini stirring up change in your dating life on June 18, you may be unsure of what will make you happy. Don’t shut yourself off from others while you figure it out — you don’t have to know what the distant future holds right this minute.

Pisces June Horoscope (Feb. 19-March 20)

Devote yourself to your work and find unique ways to make your responsibilities feel fun and light, as this will facilitate successes in early June. You’re on the road to finding yourself again, but first, you must strip away any false beliefs about your capabilities. Brace yourself for intense twists and turns: serious Saturn and delirious Neptune will retrograde through your zodiac sign, challenging you to choose reality over the comfort of fantasy and delusion.