
Your Horoscope For May 2023

One day will serve as a magnet for manifesting luxury.

by Alexandria Lettman
Originally Published: 
Here's your May 2023 horoscope

May gets off to a serious-minded start as dark and mysterious Pluto retrograde begins in Aquarius on May 1. This tense backspin urges you to explore necessary changes that will strengthen your friendships and connection to your community. Come May 5, an emotionally deep lunar eclipse in Scorpio brings high-powered energy, easing your struggles with letting go and moving on. Thankfully, quality time spent with your family will nurse you back to being your best self as romantic Venus enters tender and nurturing Cancer on May 7.

Mercury wraps up its frustrating retrograde in strong-willed Taurus on May 14, restoring your determination to finalize plans that will lead you into the optimistic last week of the season. Exciting energy shifts are underway as abundant Jupiter moves into Taurus on May 16. This magnetic energy glows with opportunities to manifest luxuries as a well-deserved reward for your hard work. The new moon in Taurus on May 19 heralds promising energy for your budding work ambitions, but warns you against becoming entangled in defensive clashes with frenemies.

From May 20, Mars rages through regal Leo, encouraging you to pick up momentum and step into positions of leadership with pride. Your playful, talkative side will emerge as the Sun’s ingress into Gemini on May 21 marks the beginning of an uplifting air-ruled season. Explore your curiosities with childlike enthusiasm and enjoy this new air of freedom.

Happy birthday, Gemini!

Aries May Horoscope (March 21-April 19)

Get ready to delve deep into your emotional terrain, Aries. This month brings introspective energy that shines light on the darkest parts of your inner self that are yearning to be loved and wholly accepted. On May 16, you’ll ooze confidence as Jupiter magnetizes your self-worth and encourages financial prosperity. End the month on a high by taking to the spotlight and expressing yourself with passion and enthusiasm.

Taurus May Horoscope (April 20-May 20)

Are you reaching your potential? Reconsidering this question may influence monumental changes in your life this May. Tensions will rise as you’re pressed to reflect on your place in your career and navigate emotionally challenging developments in your relationships. Thankfully, as the month progresses, you’ll hone your focus and develop a me-first attitude that paves the way to your success. Keep pushing forward.

Gemini May Horoscope (May 21-June 20)

You’re on a journey toward emotional and psychological healing, Gemini, but you must be patient and kind to yourself during this transformative process. This May, expect significant mental adjustments that allow you to overcome fears and limiting beliefs about yourself. While the month gets off to a slow and steady start, you’ll find your groove once the Sun eases its way into your zodiac sign on May 21. Bask in the light of your season and consider how to face new decisions and challenges as the freshest, healthiest, happiest version of yourself.

Cancer May Horoscope (June 21-July 22)

You’ll be on the forefront of your loved ones' minds, Cancer, encouraging them to spoil you with the love and reassurance you so deserve. Allow yourself to soften into the embrace of those you trust, but watch out for drama in your social life that will challenge your moody or defensive outlook. Mars’ bold entry into Leo on May 19 bestows you with courage and purpose. Your motivation will increase when you have a clear vision of what you’re working toward.

Leo May Horoscope (July 23-Aug. 22)

Serious re-examinations of the recent changes in your relationships will transform your perception of love and commitment. In turn, you’ll be empowered to put yourself first and turn your attention toward your personal achievements. Once you break through your patterns of self-sabotage, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your long-standing career goals.

Virgo May Horoscope (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Virgo, expect to feel determined and self-reliant this month. Sudden changes to your perspective and environment will guide you through a new quest for knowledge and wisdom. However, you must not trade your stubborn old ideas for equally narrow-minded new beliefs. Re-educate yourself with an eye toward building a strong foundation that will support your success and ability to give back to others. Even if you’re skeptical of new concepts, remain curious.

Libra May Horoscope (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

The time, care, and attention you’ve devoted to your growth and emotional healing will pay off abundantly. As you overcome hidden insecurities, you’ll realize you’re far more resilient and secure than you realized. It’s only upward from here as romantic Venus swims through the deep Cancerian waters on May 7, putting you in the spotlight to be adored by others. As the month winds down, the energy will be ripe with potential to manifest loans or inheritance. You’re on the brink of success, Libra!

Scorpio May Horoscope (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Brace yourself, Scorpio, as this month’s drama-filled lunar eclipse aligns in your zodiac sign. This eclipse will be the catalyst for intense life redirections that inspire you to take a cautious step into unfamiliar waters. Jupiter joins the Sun and Mercury — now direct — in sensual Taurus on May 16, bestowing blessings over your love life that will ease the friction caused by this spring’s Mercury retrograde. Turning over a new leaf with your partner could lead to a blissful period in which you take things to the next level.

Sagittarius May Horoscope (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

The introspective start to May will support you in overcoming deep-rooted fears and painful memories you’ve struggled to leave in the past. Allow the reflective and restorative energy of the month to heal you from the inside out and revitalize your mind. As you ease into Gemini season, the month takes on a new focus, and you’ll find your rhythm with staying on top of your responsibilities. Open slots in your calendar are opportunities to deepen the emotional intimacy in your relationships.

Capricorn May Horoscope (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Do you have a friendship that seems to have run its course? Take this month as a sign to move on — even you struggle with letting go. This will force you to transform at the deepest level. If your social life isn’t overflowing with drama and sudden changes, your work life certainly will be. Shifting ideas about how happy you are with your job and lifestyle will influence you to brainstorm new ways of elevating your income without compromising your joy. The luckiest days are yet to come; once Jupiter works its magic in your love life, you could find yourself establishing a relationship with your crush.

Aquarius May Horoscope (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

There are major changes unfolding in your life this May that will deepen your self-exploration and reorient you to new life ambitions. Career advancements, popularity increases, and dramatic experiences could bring bittersweet feelings if you’re unsatisfied with the final results of your achievements. From May 21, the sun shifts into exuberant Gemini, turning your focus to your love life. Increased intimacy and passion in your relationships will quickly distract you from earlier disappointments.

Pisces May Horoscope (Feb. 19-March 20)

Kiss your worries goodbye as Mercury’s dizzying retrograde ends on May 14, restoring your practical mindset. Finally, you’ll be able to find the perfect words to convey your gratitude for your nearest and dearest. As the month progresses, you’ll rise up as the shining star in your workplace and realize that more people are eager to hear your ideas and contributions. Make sure you aren’t solely motivated by praise; otherwise, your momentum will diminish when the recognition does.

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