
If You Pull The World Tarot Card, Expect Big Changes To Come Your Way

If you’re holding on to past loves, it’s time to move on.

by Kristine Fellizar
Originally Published: 
This is the meaning of the World tarot card

Whether you’re pulling tarot cards on love, career, or life in general, the World is a great card to get. Like the other cards in the major arcana, the World signifies that major change on the horizon. In particular, the end of a cycle is near. But there’s so much spiritual meaning behind the World card, and below, professional tarot readers share everything you need to know when it comes up in a reading.

In a standard tarot deck, the 78 cards are split into the major and minor arcana. The major arcana consists of 22 cards and tells the story of the Fool’s Journey. As tarot reader Eliza Collins tells Bustle, “The Fool starts out excited for the experience they’re embarking on but with no knowledge, skills, or power — just excitement, and possibly a bit of recklessness. Each subsequent card in the major arcana represents the archetypal figure or life circumstance that the Fool encounters on this journey. As the Fool progresses, they gain more knowledge, face adversity, and become empowered.”

The final card in the Fool’s adventure is the World, which indicates that the particular “journey” you’re on or circumstance you’re in is finally coming to an end. “But just as the world continuously turns, the cycle begins again, for we are constantly growing and changing,” Collins says.

What Does The World Tarot Card Mean?

As the last card in the major arcana, it’s only natural for the World to represent major endings and change. “At its root, the World is a card of completion,” Collins says. “Whatever you’ve been experiencing is at its finishing point. If you’re still working on something or you can’t quite see the light at the end of the tunnel, the World suggests that it’s coming to a close soon.”

The World may come up when you’re about to experience a significant life event like graduation or living on your own for the first time. It might even come up when you’re about to meet that special someone after being in a cycle of one bad relationship after the next.

As tarot reader Michelle Lewis tells Bustle, the World is a very powerful card that encompasses many emotions. “Think of how it feels to reach the end of a long, winding, challenging journey such as the completion of your educational career,” she says. “You will likely feel a sense of relief, pride, and happiness but may also hold some bittersweet sadness that it has finally come to an end.”

It’s important to keep in mind that every ending leads to a new beginning. So the World also represents the start of a brand new chapter in your life.

What Does The World Card Mean When It’s Upright?

When the World card appears upright in a reading, it’s often seen as a positive omen. “Depending on where it’s drawn in the sequence during a reading, it can refer to [receiving] a positive outcome, finding enlightenment, or reaching your goals,” Lewis says. “It typically indicates that the querent is on the right path and making strides forward.”

If you’re asking about your career and the World comes up, it could indicate that a major project is about to wrap up. According to Collins, it’s also a favorable time to change careers or “complete your ‘old cycle’ at your current job and make a move to something new and exciting.” The World card is also associated with travel, so an important work trip may be on the horizon or you may have to relocate for a new job.

When you’re asking about love, it’s important to look at the cards surrounding it in order to apply them to your situation. If the World is surrounded by “auspicious cards” like the Two of Cups, you may be taking the next big step in your relationship. However, if the World is pulled with a card like the Three of Swords, it may indicate emotional pain or heartbreak. Moreover, it could signify that “a difficult relationship has reached its conclusion and it’s time to move on,” Collins says. If you’ve been holding onto past hurt or past love, the World offers the advice to let those go.

What Does The World Card Reversed Mean?

If pulled in reverse, the World may be saying that you need to admit that your current situation is may not be what's best for you. “However much you may be pining for the resolution you desire, it simply may not turn out that way,” Collins says. “It encourages acceptance, even if it comes with a bit of disappointment.”

In love, the World reversed might mean that your partner’s bad habits won’t ever change, or you won’t have the relationship you actually want if you keep pursuing the person you’re interested in. Similarly, in a work reading, it may come up as a warning. If you’re trying to cut corners in an effort to finish a project or resolve a situation, there may be consequences you’ll have to face.

It’s important to note there’s no right or wrong way to read tarot. Even professional readers have their own way of interpreting things. It’s up to you to make a connection with your deck and apply the cards you pull to your particular situation. If the message you’re receiving feels right, that’s the message you’re meant to receive.


Michelle Lewis, tarot reader

Eliza Collins, tarot reader

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