
Covfefe Memes That Trump Has Inspired With His…

by Megan Grant
Pool/Getty Images News/Getty Images

In the wee hours of the morning, Trump did something he's done a million times already: tweet something he would quickly regret. Except this time, it was an unintelligible, incoherent message — more so than normal, I mean — that the interwebs are still trying to decode: "covfefe." That's what he tweeted: covfefe. And now, there are countless covfefe memes that Trump has inspired, similar to the way he's inspired other things, like hate crime and sexism.

Here's what we know. Around 12:06 a.m. Wednesday, Trump tweeted — presumably from a gold-plated toilet seat, which is where I imagine he does most of his tweeting — "Despite the constant negative press covfefe." And that was it. I don't know whether to be more annoyed at his use of an incomplete sentence or over the fact that he's making up entirely new words. Who does he think he is, Shakespeare?

It appears as though the original tweet has been removed, although Trump did attempt to make a joke (and failed miserably) by later tweeting, "Who can figure out the true meaning of 'covfefe' ??? Enjoy!" Bah. Ha. Ha. Ha.

While "terrific sense of humor" still isn't at the top of Trump's non-existent list of positive attributes, some of the memes and tweets he inspired will probably have you ROFLYFAO, or whatever acronyms kids are using these days.


Hair Game Strong

He's got that hair flip on point.


"I'm Such a Good Friend"

It's not going to happen.


Can I Have The Definition Please?

You are correct!


Y'all Got Anymore Of Those Made-Up Words?

Nothing to see here, folks.


Now It All Adds Up

At last!


A Cup of Covfefe

A damn fine cup, indeed.


Cofveve Bae

There can only be one Salt Bae, but I'll let this slide.


Hydrating Covfefe Butter

Apply covfefe butter daily for optimal efficacy.


What Can You Do For Covfefe?

Nothing ruins a legendary quote quite like covfefe.


Get Me Covfefe

Coming soon to a theater near you.



+10 points for Meryl.