At the risk of this sounding like sellable feminism written on a cheap mug — giving gifts to yourself rules. Now, all consumption, especially during the pro-buying pro-one-day-shipping holidays, should be intentional and minimized because our planet is dying — investing in yourself, your happiness, your pleasure, and your self-image, are all worthy and necessary causes. And as you'll see below, the best gifts women give themselves are often simple and in one way or another, keep on giving.
Personally, I like to give myself gifts kind of a lot — even if it's spending a little extra on lunch to get the avocado on the sandwich, or getting something literally every single time I go into a second hand store. The holidays are no exception. And again, at the risk of sounding lame, you do deserve gifts! Get yourself something nice, be it an experience, something to wear, or something to care for.
Below, take a peak at the best gifts women have given to themselves for the holidays. You might be inspired to do something for yourself you've never done before. And hey, I say, the more generous you are to yourself, the more authentically generous you'll be to other people, too.
1Stella , 25
"I would say my best holiday gift for myself so far is that I got a beauty subscription to get my makeup done all the time and I love that. Very glam at holiday parties. And really, really luxurious slippers."
2Mika, 28
"For the holidays, I give myself the same gift I give myself every month, a book. I do it because no one else gets me books, and it makes me happy! And if I like it, then I give it to someone else."
3Diana, 67
"The dog I got recently, Buddy. I would say that I've always been very generous with myself when it comes to animals that need care. Maybe since I never got that horse for Christmas that I asked for..."
4Megan, 37
"I get myself little pieces of jewelry for the holidays, because no one else gives me that kind of thing. Also, a cheap massage is a good gift all year."
5Nora, 30
"A reiki and bodywork treatment was my recent holiday gift. I was feeling so depleted, mentally and emotionally stressed, storing my tension in my upper back and therefore aggravating an old injury, so I splurged on a combo treatment by a woman who is a friend of a friend. It was the most relaxing treatment I'd ever experienced."
6Cara, 39
"The best gift I got for myself was a crystal mat that I got, even though it was expensive. I lie on it every night and sometimes sleep on it. It has honestly changed my life. So healing."
7Sydney, 34
"A few years ago I got myself a silk velvet Eileen Fisher dress. That felt special and I still love it several years later. And maybe a plane ticket, visiting friends in Seattle? I don't know if that was deserved but it felt nice."
8Susannah, 30
"I got myself some $100 L.L. Bean slippers. Worth every penny. My other house shoes had holes in them!"
9Rachel, 36
"I got myself a pair of fancy clogs this year, even though I have so many. These ones I'm just saving for special occasions, to have no scuffs. I felt kind of bad about it, but whatever."
10Lindsay, 32
"I get myself gifts all the time, but the Richard Pryor shirt I just got myself is definitely up there."
11Kara, 27
"I bought an essential oil diffuser for my room last year and I thought it was a great investment. And now my room smells like lavender whenever I want and it helps me relax. Oil sold separately. It was was especially good to buy during the wintertime because it’s so dark and sad outside."
Now, take a hint from these women and go get yourself something nice! Put down the gift cards for cousin Eddie, and float towards the foot massage, ya hear?