
Being A Morning Person Can Make You Happier &…

by Tone It Up

Mornings can be tough, especially when you are trying to hold on to each and every extra minute of sleep you can possibly get. But, getting up early can actually make you a happier person, and research shows it can even improve your health and overall sense of wellness. Still struggling with the snooze button? It is time to teach yourself how to become an early riser. Lifestyle experts Karena and Katrina of Tone It Up have a few motivating tips to make waking up feel easier, and to help you get the most out of your mornings. No more fighting with your alarm clock — go on and get up out of bed.

Rise and shine! Mornings are actually our favorite time of day because that is when we fit in our daily workout, have our espresso (with a splash of almond milk!), and take a few moments to ourselves without any distractions. And research shows that waking up early makes you happier and boosts your brainpower. We know mornings don’t always come easily to everyone, so today we are sharing some inspo to set your alarm a little earlier and a few tips to make it feel like a breeze!

Boost your mood

Becoming a morning person actually boosts your feel-good vibes, according to recent research. People who woke up early said they felt happier than those who hit snooze for a few extra zzz’s. They were also more alert and had stronger immune systems. Plus, waking up early gives you time to get in a morning workout, so you’ll get a dose of mood-boosting endorphins.

Get the best rest

Research shows that people who start their days early and exercise have healthier levels of fatigue at the end of the day, so they get a much better quality of sleep. No more tossing and turning!

Be a total boss at the office

Early risers have advanced problem-solving skills and are more proactive than night owls, according to recent research. Hop out of bed, and you’ll be on point for your business meetings, classes, and anything else that comes your way.

Get the most out of your day

Waking up early gives you an opportunity to slow down a little and devote some time to yourself without distractions. We like to wake up before our partners (and pets!) and take a few minutes to ourselves to meditate, journal, and set our intentions for the day. This helps center and energize us to take on the day!

Check out my morning routine HERE!

Here are some secrets we swear by to start the day off strong!

1. Make a killer morning playlist

Make yourself a playlist worth ditching the bed for. This will give you an instant jolt of energy. Need some inspo? These are a few of our faves!

2. Put your alarm across the room

Then you have to get your booty of bed! We also like to set our coffee timers to start brewing a few minutes before our alarm clock goes off so a warm cup of java literally wakes us up.

3. How about pancakes?!

Breakfast is our favorite meal of the day, and it’s definitely the most delicious. Our go-to breakfasts are protein pancakes or any smoothie combo! Find some of our favorites HERE!