
Domino's Is Looking For A Garlic Bread Taste Tester — Here's How To Apply

by Mia Mercado
Joe Raedle/Getty Images News/Getty Images

They say the perfect job doesn’t exist. Well, that is half-true because Domino’s is hiring a garlic bread taste tester but there is a catch or two. If you’re feeling optimistic, you could see them as opportunities rather than obstacles, especially given the fact that there’s garlic bread involved.

Let’s start with the bad news: the gig is in Australia at Domino’s Brisbane headquarters. This is only bad news if you don’t want to relocate to another country in the name of garlic bread. Also, the job isn’t full- or even part-time; it’s a one-day job. A 7.5 hour shift (including a paid pizza lunch, of course) to be precise. So, if you were hoping to uproot your life and start your garlic bread dreams, unfortunately this isn’t any kind of long term deal. Again, perfection comes with a catch. And this particular catch is that perfection is fleeting.

OK, let’s get to the good, garlicky news, of which there is plenty. If you’re curious and been burned—literally or metaphorically—by garlic bread before, this is a legitimate offer from Domino’s Australia. There’s even a post on LinkedIn so you know it’s official. Get those resumes in order because your time to shine, or glisten with garlic butter, is now.

“You butter believe it!” the LinkedIn posting states. “We’re looking for someone a little bit crunchy, but mostly warm and soft on the inside, to help taste test our World-Famous Garlic Breads at Domino’s Headquarters in Brisbane.” So, right off the bat, there will be puns involved. If you’re looking for a pun-free workplace, this is not the one-day gig for you.

An overview of the jobs lists skills like sampling, food quality, and taste, as key parts of the job. “Pizza” is also listed as a skill, one I’m sure you’ve been honing you whole life. A more in-depth explanation of the job say the perfect candidate “never met a carb they didn’t like” and “understands the perfect ‘crunch to softness’ ratio.” It also specifies that vampires need not apply. (Borderline job discrimination but OK, I get it.)

So, what sort of qualifications must a Garlic Bread Taste Tester have? Thankfully, this is listed as an entry-level position. No need to have gotten a degree in Allium Sciences or had three to five years of experience sampling various breads in a professional setting. However, a “minimum of 5 years’ experience in garlic bread consumption” is listed as a necessary skill. Given that you’ve likely been eating solid food since you were barely a toddler, you’re probably more than qualified in this department.

A few of the other qualifications and necessary experiences are listed, including:

  • Has a detailed understanding of the pizza and garlic bread relationship
  • Has working taste buds
  • Has burned their fingers at least once not being able to wait for the garlic bread to cool down
  • Has a history of reviewing other people’s food choices (solicited and/or unsolicited).

In addition to eating a bounty of garlic bread and providing feedback to the Domino’s HQ team, the pay for this position is $30/hour for one, 7.5 hour day. They’ll also pay for domestic flights if the chosen Taste Tester isn’t within driving distance of Brisbane. If this sounds like you, you can apply on LinkedIn and fill out the application that has questions about your weekly garlic bread consumption and your thoughts on pineapple on pizza.

You’ll also need to answer, either in a 200-word essay or 30-second video, why you are destined for this garlic bread position. Over 200 people have already applied and the position closes on Monday, October 7. (Also, in case it wasn’t clear given the marketing stunt-iness of it all, by applying, you agree for “any images, videos and/or written content” you submit to be used by Domino’s marketing globally.)

Go get that garlic bread.