
Funny Things To Say To Dad On Father's Day

by Kiersten Hickman

Some fathers like to be sentimental, and thoroughly enjoy the Hallmark cards and thoughtful gifts. But other dads? They just like a good joke. And if that’s your dad, then you’re going to want to remember a few funny things to say to your dad for Father’s Day this year.

Now although something may seem funny to you, the trick about telling a truly hilarious joke ti your father is to play at his comedic genius. (OK, maybe his comedic genius isn’t exactly genius, but you get my drift.) Take note of the types of jokes your dad enjoys or loathes, and play to those strengths. Does he like sarcastic? Blasts from the past? Maybe a small hint of Star Wars nerdiness? Keep tabs on the jokes your father makes in the days leading up to Father’s Day, and be ready for some prime jokes on the day that we all celebrate dad. But make sure to keep them to yourself, because your siblings are probably looking for some prime jokes to share as well!

So if your dad is the funny type and enjoys a good laugh, give him what he wants this Father’s Day: A joke that he will be telling his friends over, and over, and over again.

“Dad, you may think this money is for you this Father’s Day, but we all know this is really going towards flowers for mom or something.” Then, hand your dad an empty vase.

Because we all know what would really make Father’s Day the best, a happy mom.

“I wanted to get you a "World’s Best Dad" mug today, but Amazon was all sold out, so I ordered one that said "World’s OKest Dad." It should be here in 5 to 7 shipping days.”

For an even funnier moment, print a picture of the mug so he can see it!

“Dad, you may have made some mistakes as a father. But at least you didn’t wait years trying to fight me before admitting 'I am your father.'”

For the father’s who can’t ever stop talking about the galaxy far, far away.

“On this Father’s Day, Dad, I’m giving you the gift of helping others. Now about these tax forms…”

I mean, every moment with you (no matter how it’s spent) is a gift, right?

“Without me, today would just be a normal day. So really, this holiday is all about my existence.”

This holiday wouldn’t exist in your father’s life without you, so make sure to wear your favorite crown!

“Congratulations! You officially have raised a child. You can sleep now.”

We all know what Dad really wants...

“Dad, without you, I wouldn’t be this hot. So thanks, man!”

Make the old man feel good about his looks this Father’s Day, even if he won’t let go of this Hawaiian shirts...

“Thanks for all of those diaper changes back then. Must have been a really sh**ty time.”

Because if your Dad could get through those moments with you, he can pretty much handle anything.

“You deserve a little bit of a break, Dad. So I’ll wait until tomorrow to talk to you about that large ticket I just got…”

“It’s only a couple hundred, Dad, no big deal…”