
This Zodiac Sign Will Reconnect With Old Friends Next Month

by Mariella Mosthof
BDG Media, Inc.

Libra season kicked off on Sept. 22, which means, at the very least, that your Instagram game is going to be super strong for the next few weeks. Libras are known for craving balance, but they're also super flirty and social, and they revel in a touch of drama. Be prepared for those influences to be tugging at you this month, especially if it sounds like your personal nightmare. On the other hand, Libra season 2019's impact on your social life will likely be positive, overall.

"Libra is a social air sign. Therefore, it’s only natural that it would affect our social lives," astrologer Lisa Stardust tells Bustle. "Libra season is all about connecting and partnering — even partying and enjoying the good life."

You're likely to experience an boost in your networking skills this month, and you may find yourself hitting it off with more people than usual. Libra season is not a time for settling down, though! Scorpio season is a better time to cultivate deep, one-on-one commitments, according to VICE. Use this time to play the field, make lots of connections, and gain confidence in your own charms. Think of the world as your own personal Bachelor mansion night one cocktail party this month. Here's more on how the season will affect your social life, according to the experts.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

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Libra season is the perfect time for Aries to catch up with people who may have drifted away over the summer.

"Connect with those you haven’t seen in a while," Stardust recommends. "Have a one-on-one evening out."

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

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Taurus has some good networking potential ahead of them them this Libra season.

"Hang with coworkers and bond with them at happy hour over drinks," Stardust advises. It could pay off later.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

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If you've been wrapped up in work, school, or other obligations, lately, Gemini, then Libra season will offer up an opportunity to find some balance.

"You’re ready to party!" Stardust says. "Hang out with your friends and have fun!"

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

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If the end of summer found you withdrawing a little, Cancer, then Libra season is the perfect opportunity to emerge from your protective crab shell once more.

"You’re more inclined now to get out of your cocoon and spend time with your close friends," Stardust explains.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

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Never one to shy away from oversharing, Leo is primed to shine this Libra season. "You’re feeling extra chatty and in the mood to share with others," Stardust explains. Remember to show some vulnerability for best results!

Virgo (August 23 - September 23)

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Virgo is likely to find themselves still coasting off the energy of their birthday month. In fact, it might motivate you to confide in some old connections.

"Your confidence is high and you are ready to discuss your feelings with your old friends," Stardust says.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

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"This is the time of year when the sun is in your sign, which means you will shine!" astrologer Cindy Mckean tells Bustle of Libra. "During this period of around 30 days, you will be socially empowered with more radiance to your Libra charm, tact, and ability to attract. You'll also be able to handle the ups and downs with more ease."

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

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Scorpio is looking at a favorable social life during Libra season, according to Mckean.

"As the season progresses, you'll find your social prowess becoming more mysterious and alluring," she explains. "It's the perfect lead up time to your season next month!"

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

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Sagittarius likely has the full social schedule they've been craving this month.

"This Libra season will offer you some new social varieties that you've been waiting for all year," Mckean says. "From last-minute weekend getaways to pop-up parties, your calendar will be bustling with social events, favorable meetings, and an extension of your social network."

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

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Capricorn is looking at a promising confluence of professional and social opportunity this Libra season.

"Capricorn may find that their workload increases as the sun moves through Libra. Fortunately, many higher-ups and VIPs may show their appreciation by offering theater tickets or an invitation to your favorite healthy bistro," astrologer Linda Furiate tells Bustle. "October may prove to be a joyful month to combine work with pleasure."

Aquarius (January 20 - February 19)

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Aquarius is channeling some major adventurousness this Libra season.

"Aquarius may find themselves jet-setting abroad with their BFF or SO," Furiate notes. "Even if cash flow is tight, Libra season is the perfect time for Aquarius to seek fun and adventure closer to home with the ones they love the most."

Pisces (February 20 - March 20)

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Pisces may be among the signs overwhelmed by this extroverted season. But you can find ways to socialize sustainably, too.

"Pisces may prefer a more private and intimate venue this month. Smaller crowds and less noise appeal to this sensitive soul," Furiate says. "Libra season may be the perfect time to share your passions with those closest to you in your inner circle."

Virtually no one is facing bad luck when it comes to their social life this season, so feel free to take risks when it comes to putting yourself out there this month! You might find some unexpected confidence in yourself, as well as in your relationships.