
How To Make Your Voice Heard On Kavanaugh 1 Year After His Confirmation

by Sarah Friedmann
Yana Paskova/Getty Images News/Getty Images

On Oct. 6, 2018, the U.S. Senate voted to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court after multiple women accused him of sexual misconduct (he has denied the allegations). And nearly one year later, as the Supreme Court gears up to hear a major abortion rights case, Kavanaugh's influence as a conservative-leaning judge is just as much of a talking point. If you'd like to make your voice heard on Kavanaugh and the future of Roe v. Wade, you have several options.

As it stands, Kavanaugh will sit on the Supreme Court bench as a Justice for the rest of his life or until he chooses to retire. And while federal judge impeachment is incredibly rare, some advocacy groups argue that further investigation into Kavanaugh's conduct is just as necessary today as it was last year. In addition to the allegations against him, for instance, thousands of documents detailing his record while serving in the George W. Bush administration were never released. Furthermore, he has the potential to be the deciding vote in abortion rights cases that could chip away at Roe v. Wade.

If these concerns resonate with you, you can start by taking action on Oct. 6. Here are just a few ideas:

Show Up At The Reclaim The Court Rally

On Oct. 6, thousands of people are expected to attend the Reclaim the Court rally in Washington, D.C. Demand Justice, a progressive movement that pushes for federal court reform, and the Center for Popular Democracy, which advocates for racial and economic justice, are joining the Women's March to help organize the event. The rally aims to encourage Congress to conduct a full investigation into Kavanaugh.

Katie O'Connor, senior counsel at Demand Justice, tells Bustle that they're hoping to get as many people as possible to attend the event, so, if you're near D.C. (or willing to travel), consider joining. It kicks off at 12:30 p.m. outside of the Supreme Court — and you can RSVP on Facebook to let the organizers (and your friends) know that you'll be attending.

Contact Congress

It's also crucial to contact your members of Congress directly if you want to share your opinions on Kavanaugh. As O'Connor explains, Democratic Congressmen Jerry Nadler and Hank Johnson have already formally requested records from Kavanaugh's years in the Bush administration. According to O'Connor, this could help launch a bigger investigation. However, she says, it's going to be a really lengthy process so it's important to keep pushing Congress.

If this appeals to you, there are several ways you can easily contact your elected officials about Kavanaugh.

Support Reproductive Rights Organizations

As the newest conservative-leaning Justice on the bench, Kavanaugh could certainly influence how the Supreme Court rules on abortion rights cases.

"From the perspective of a lot of his supporters and a lot of conservative Republicans, Kavanaugh was put on the Court primarily to tip the balance and to allow for an opening to overturn Roe v Wade," O'Connor explains to Bustle. In fact, in the wake of Kavanaugh's confirmation, several states have passed restrictive abortion bans that could ultimately help overturn Roe v. Wade.

If you want to push back against this threat, consider donating to reproductive rights organizations that are working to protect Roe v. Wade — and providing crucial health services at the same time.

Use Your Vote

The next presidential election and many congressional races are happening in 2020. If you're worried about the country's judicial system, you can contact those candidates to ask specifically where they stand on a potential Kavanaugh investigation. As Vox suggested, 2020's elections could very much affect the future of the Supreme Court, so making sure you know candidates' approach to the topic is key.

Spread The Word

Finally, you can help spread the word about Kavanaugh and tell others why you're speaking out on the matter, if you're so inclined. Consider inviting friends and family to join the Reclaim the Court rally or other Kavanaugh protests — and explain to them why it's important. Moreover, you can share articles detailing concerns about Kavanaugh and the future of the judiciary as a means of raising awareness and inspiring others to take action.

For some Americans, Oct. 6 represents a stark reminder of the Supreme Court's trajectory. The court has already made some key decisions that stand to profoundly affect the United States' future — and will continue to do so. And, as one of only nine justices, Kavanaugh plays a crucial role in all Supreme Court votes.