
Your ‘Big Brother’ Faves Are In Danger After This Week’s HOH

by Rebecca Patton
Sonja Flemming/CBS

The final five became the fearful four tonight on Big Brother when Sam was evicted from the house. Even though it was a Wednesday episode, series host Julie Chen showed up on the houseguests' TV and announced that tonight was a surprise eviction episode. Furthermore, in an unlikely turn of events, JC became the new HOH on BB20, and fans are still recovering from the shock.

As a refresher, this episode followed the houseguests as they competed in two competitions: The first being the veto comp, Your Maze Are Numbered, which Kaycee won. The Level 6 member decided not to use her power of veto on either Sam or JC, whom Angela had nominated for eviction last episode. The welder was voted out, which was a sad but nice segment of an otherwise fast-paced episode. As fans later pointed out, evicting Sam was a mistake on Tyler and Kaycee's part. They could've sent JC packing and saved themselves a whole lot of grief.

However, that's obviously not what happened. After Sam had her exit interview with Chen, a heated HOH competition followed. Tyler, Kaycee, and JC played What the Bleep — a game where the participants had to guess what the bleeped out phrase was. Angela, as the current HOH, wasn't eligible to participate. After a fairly close race, JC emerged as the new Head of Household, with Tyler hot on his heels.

The professional dancer was naturally ecstatic after winning. "I was just waiting to win the right one," JC told Chen later on of his HOH win. "That was it!" JC lay down on the floor, then got up and screamed "Final three!" Finally, he asked, "Can I get a bottle of tequila?" Not only is this his first time being HOH, but it couldn't have come at a more inconvenient time for Level Six. The three remaining alliance members were this close to securing a sure victory, but tomorrow, either Angela, Kaycee, or Tyler is going home.

Naturally, fans had a lot to say about this surprising turn of events. "I’m sorry but JC singlehandedly ruining level 6’s top 3 plan with this clutch comp win was everything," QueenParvati said on Reddit. "It felt so great to see them so pissed after how cocky they’ve been all season. I was spoiled and I’m still shaking." Redditor theabdi echoed this sentiment, saying, "They played themselves evicting Sam."

That being said, not all Big Brother fans were excited about the new HOH. Since JC's a controversial houseguest, some fans are unhappy that he's getting so close to winning the competition. As sandersidle said on Reddit: "Are people legit rooting for JC to win (serious question, not trying to be a d*ck)? Y'all are entitled to your opinion but he has acted so gross this season and thinks he's such a mastermind. I can't be happy with him winning. I think it's entertaining that he stirred things up but I'm not gonna start praising him or rooting for him." Others, however, see it not as being pro-JC but anti-Level 6.

But while fans are divided on how they feel about JC's HOH reign, they can all agree on one thing: With just one week left to go on Big Brother, things just got interesting for the remaining houseguests.