
Orgasms From This Particular Sex Toy Last 17% Longer, A New Study Shows

BDG Media, Inc.

There's no denying that there are so many benefits of masturbation. It isn't just fun to do — it's great way to learn about yourself, feel confident about your body, practice a little self-care, or just blow off some steam. And now, there's some solid proof that a certain little tweak to your masturbation habits can make a huge difference — and it's all about your choice of vibrator.

To celebrate the launch of their new Happy Rabbit line, Lovehoney, the sex toy retailer, teamed up with Dr. Nicole Prause, founder of sexual biotechnology firm Liberos, to see how powerful a Rabbit vibrator really can be — and how much of a difference it makes to our orgasms.

And it's easy to see why the Rabbit would be a popular choice for so many women (thanks, Sex and the City). While all vibrators can be useful for giving women the clitoral stimulation they might need, the Rabbit vibrator in particular offers additional sensations. It gets it name from the shape of the vibrator, which resembles the head of a rabbit, complete with two little "ears" that frame the clitoris and vibrate for really intense stimulation. There's also a dildo-like shaft that can be used for penetration, which sometimes has a G-spot stimulator. With Rabbits, you have dual stimulation. And the new research shows that Rabbits may even give our orgasms an upgrade.

Researchers studied sexually active women with an average age of 31, who masturbated with either a Rabbit toy or manually. They used measuring tools and questionnaires to evaluate different facets of an orgasm, including anal contractions, galvanic skin response (aka changes in the sweat glands in our skin, which often happens when there's surges of emotion), brain activity, and even emotional states, to see how women's orgasms were different with a Rabbit versus manual masturbation. What they found was fascinating: orgasms lasted an average of 17 percent longer when using a Rabbit.

“Our original hypothesis was that the Happy Rabbit would bring women bring women to orgasm quicker than manual masturbation," Dr. Prause said in a press release. "However, we found that women wanted to play, explore and enjoy their new toy, which resulted in a longer lasting sexual experience with broader physical sensations and more excitement than using their hand alone.”

So if you feel like a Rabbit — or another sex toy — could up your masturbation game, that's something worth exploring. You should always feel comfortable owning what works for you sexually. "An important part of a grown-ass woman’s mindset is understanding her needs and taking responsibility for making sure they’re met," Dr. Emily Morse, doctor of human sexuality and founder and host of the Sex with Emily podcast, tells Bustle.

Not everyone loves vibrators — and that's OK. If they're not for you, they're not for you. But for many of us, they're a great way to not only achieve orgasm, but maybe even make them better. Longer orgasms, more pleasure — what's not to love?