
Rachel Responds To Lee's Tweets For The First Time On 'The Bachelorette'

Paul Hebert/ABC

The biggest source of drama on Rachel’s season of The Bachelorette wasn’t about love — it was the beef between Kenny and Lee. These two started the season just fine, but then things got intense, with Lee continually escalating the drama with Kenny until they were both sent home. Then the revelation came that Lee sent some racially insensitive and sexist tweets before his time on the show. For example, as shown Monday night, he compared the KKK to the NAACP. But those tweets didn’t come to light until after The Bachelorette started airing, so the Men Tell All was the first time Rachel had to talk about all of this drama with the men. She definitely didn’t disappoint — Rachel’s reaction to Lee’s tweets on Men Tell All was simultaneously poised and pointed.

On the show, Rachel knew that Lee and Kenny had been fighting, and that's why she sent them both home. But she didn't know about the tweets at the time, and I'm sure that she has been itching to confront Lee. I mean, I am itching to confront Lee, and I wasn't even on the show. What I love about Rachel is that she's an attorney and can argue her way through anything. Case in point — her statement to Lee. She said:

Lee — that’s not how you were with me. With me, you were a completely different person, but like, now that I’ve watched it back, and now that I know what’s up, I didn’t want to give any life into you, your opinions, but I feel like I’m in such a unique position. I have the opportunity to be a spokesperson for African-Americans. For women. And I just feel like you had such an amazing opportunity to be surrounded by different people. And like, different cultures, and you didn’t advantage of that. I hope that in watching it back you realize that you were a part of something so great. But in case you didn’t, please know that you can exit stage left and meet me backstage and I’d be more than happy to give you a black history lesson, a lesson on women’s rights, you know what I’m saying?

I do know what you're saying, Rachel, and I hear you loud and clear. Lee needs a lesson on cultures that are different than his, and I think (I hope) he knows that now. Rachel did accept his eventual apology, but she didn't leave him off the hook. Her parting words to Lee encouraged him to get better:

Yeah, thank you. I accept your apology, but like you know, you didn’t need to watch a playback to realize how great [these men] were. They were great in the house with you. And I just, I hope it expanded your horizons. The world is so much bigger and greater and you were in the house with such great men, and I really, really hope that you take that with you in wherever you go in life.

Leave it to Rachel to perfectly encapsulate what everything is thinking.