
IKEA Thinks This Swedish Sleeping Trend Will Save Your Relationship

by Megan Grant

Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night with frostbite, shivering to the bone, icicles forming on your toes, all because your bed buddy is a major blanket hog? You're not alone. IKEA is here to save the day — and possibly your relationship — which this Swedish sleep trend that gives you each your own comforter. They're calling it the "TOG-ether bundle," and it features two single duvets, as opposed to one double. According to IKEA, they found inspiration in the traditional Swedish way of sleeping, where people often use two duvets instead of one. In related news, Swedes never wake up screaming at their partner because they rolled over in their sleep and took the entire comforter with them. Not that I do that, or anything...

Now, let's talk about the name. "TOG" refers to the TOG rating: a number each duvet gets which refers to its scale of warmth, meaning how effective the material's thermal insulation is. If you get schweaty in bed, or perhaps sleep better when you're a little chilly, you'd want a 1.5, which would be lightweight. If you're the type of person who's always cold and wants to really bundle up under the covers, a 15 would keep you toasty warm.

IKEA personalized their TOG-ether bundle by making one duvet 7.5 and the other 12; so both you and your partner can have your ideal amount of toastiness.

While this two-in-one duvet sounds like a dream come true, there's one major drawback: it's only available in the UK on January 27 and 28. If you're stateside, you'll need an open schedule and plenty of money for airfare. It's worth the investment, though; because according to a survey in which I polled only myself, playing duvet tug-of-war is the third biggest cause of sleep disruption, right after snoring and getting kicked in the shin.

The Swedish aren't the only ones who figured out the best way to share a bed. Using two duvets instead of one is also a thing in Germany, Austria, Denmark, Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, Finland, and Scandinavia. Understandably, the concept might seem a little foreign (literally) in the U.S. Two separate duvets?! Why don't we just sleep in separate rooms? Heck, I'll just MOVE OUT.

Real talk, though: sleeping curled up next to your S.O. and sharing the comforter should be fun. If it isn't, there's no reason why you should explore other options, especially if they're tried-and-true like this one.

This doesn't mean, though, that having separate duvets will take away from the benefits of sleeping next to your partner. In fact, it might enhance them even more. Look at Nordic culture, for instance. According to Finnish-born author Anu Partanen, Nordic culture aims to treat everyone equally and give them the same access and resources to live the life they want. This refers to education and healthcare, all the way down to getting the same quality of sleep. That means creating the opportunity for everyone to get the rest they want.

Considering that couples who sleep in the same bed have their sleep disrupted 50 percent more, making this one relatively small change could be the answer to all your sleep troubles. No, we're not talking about full-on sleeping in separate beds — although that's just fine if you do. (In fact, one 2015 survey by the National Sleep Foundation found that around 25 percent of couples sleep in their own beds, and 10 percent sleep in their own rooms! And — brace yourself — their relationships were just fine.) Even if IKEA's TOG-ether bundle isn't available to you, you can still try having separate covers. Who knows? You might have a more peaceful night.